Rapture Poems :: By Ron Ferguson
Some of you know I also write poems, and Christian poems are very dear to me.
My poems cover many subjects, but what I have done here is to gather all my poems that apply to the Rapture.
My desire in doing this is to provide a resource for Rapture material for any who wish to use any of these poems. I hope you will find material here that might help you in presentations and devotions and in writing.
My poems are copyrighted, meaning they are mine, but the Lord gave them, and they are the Lord’s. You are free to use whatever you like.
I am waiting in the shadows,
For the soon approaching dawn,
When the Lord Himself is coming,
On that wondrous, joyous morn.
The world rejects the saved of God,
And persecutes them sorely.
It hates the ones who love the Christ,
And treats them very poorly.
All the Church is on the lookout,
And listening for His voice.
The saints have great, expectant hope,
And in hope, they all rejoice.
Great rejoicing in His coming,
Will echo through the pages
Of the word of God He’s given,
Right down through all the ages.
Face to face might seem unsettling,
But the face we look towards,
Is the One we are expecting –
That lovely face is the Lord’s.
There will be a transformation
For the children of the Lord,
When in the twinkling of an eye,
We are called to our reward.
Let us praise Him in the highest –
Worthy, worthy is our King!
Unto Him our worship rises;
Let us, to Him, praises bring.
He is coming! He is coming!
Very soon the curtain breaks.
He is coming! He is coming!
Lovely Lord, His Church He takes!
Amen and amen
29 September 2021 R E Ferguson Metre = 8-7 throughout
Written quickly around midnight
Let the door of heaven open;
Let the Saviour’s voice be heard;
Let the trumpet sound its calling;
We are waiting for the word.
“Come up here!” will be our summons.
“Come up here!” He calls the Bride.
“Come to ME My glorious one,
You, for whom I wept and died!”
Who can comprehend those gathered?
Who can contemplate such bliss?
The Lord will snatch up all His own;
Not one redeemed will He miss.
Hear the voice of the archangel!
Hear that trumpet call for you!
In an instant, in a moment –
There’s no waiting in a queue.
Heaven’s glory bursts upon us;
Heaven’s center is the Lamb.
Heaven’s beauty centers ’round Him;
He the Lord, the Great I AM.
Light and truth will be resplendent.
Light and Truth – that my Lord is.
Light illumines ev’ry facet,
Shows the splendour that is His.
Praise resounds from ev’ry quarter.
Praise will rise from the redeemed.
Angels likewise see His glory
In the Church His blood has cleaned.
Evermore rejoice in Jesus;
Evermore to share His love.
O, melt our hearts in gratitude,
And our thoughts, transport above.
28 March 2022 R E Ferguson Metre = 8-7-8-7 ABCB
Taken from this body to be present with the Lord;
There is a time that’s coming that snaps earth’s binding cord.
What a revelation entrusted of glory above,
At that precise time, when we embrace Redeeming Love.
Not for a moment can our minds understand those scenes,
When heaven opens and we’ll comprehend what it means,
In the presence of the Lord, who loved us unto death.
It’s the Saviour we’ll see when we first draw heaven’s breath.
Beyond compare are the wonders our eyes will behold,
For human minds cannot conceive what things will unfold.
Eye has not seen nor ear heard the things that are prepared
By God for those who love Him, whose Name they have declared.
Human eyes could not contemplate that for a moment,
But what the pure ears will hear will be always constant –
Angelic praise to the Lord God Almighty who reigns;
The glorious worship of heaven, that nothing chains.
Wonders great we will see, and great wonders we will hear,
When in heaven we look on our Lord with love, not fear,
To behold the Lamb of Heaven, the One who is praised,
And we’ll share in that magnificence when we are raised.
No imagination can comprehend what’s ahead,
But the Spirit convinces us through what Paul had said,
“The third heaven” is so beyond our poor feeble minds,
That in that place, inexpressible words each one finds.
Lord, hasten the day when You call us away to You;
When the Church is caught up to her Lord, He who is True!
Heaven will open unto us to reveal His light.
What glory, what joy, what delight will burst on our sight.
28 March 2022 R E Ferguson Metre = 8-7-8-7 ABCB
To be absent from the body,
To be present with the Lord;
To be robed in linen garments
With eternal life unflawed.
I will then be in His presence,
Where the saints of God will shine,
And that blessed sinless pleasure –
O, that joy will then be mine.
Heaven’s call will soon come to us
Bathed in joy and happiness.
He will raise His saints up to Him,
Called from this world’s wretchedness.
In an instant changed forever,
In the power of His might,
And the glories then of heaven,
Will be wondrous in our sight.
It was grace that sought and saved us;
Nothing of it we deserved.
Wonders grace has stored up for us,
That in glory are reserved.
We will see our splendid Saviour,
Gathered with His ransomed throng.
Faces shine in radiance bright,
As they praise their Lord in song.
To be absent from the body,
To be present with the Lord,
And we long for that appearing,
As we rise to our reward.
Jesus soon comes, and He’ll change us
In the twinkling of an eye.
We’ll behold His full perfection,
Being flawless, we won’t die.
21 September 2021 R E Ferguson Metre = 8-7-8-7D A-B-C-B-D-E-F-E
Use Beethoven’s 9th – “Ode To Joy.”
Other possible tunes –
Beecher (“Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”)
Hymn To Joy (“Joyful, Joyful”)
Hyfrydol (“Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus”)
Ebenezer (“God Hath Spoken By The Prophets”)
Bradbury (“Saviour, Like A Shepherd Lead Us”)
Nettleton (“Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing”)
Converse (“What A Friend We Have In Jesus”)
Beach Spring (“Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service”)
Abbot’s Leigh (“Lord, You Give The Great Commission” Or “God Is Here”)
Restoration (“Come, Ye Sinners, Poor And Needy”)
There’s A Light Upon The Mountain
Even so, Lord Jesus, come,
And take Your waiting people home.
Hope fulfilled – in Christ then one,
We’ll see the Lord grace heaven’s throne.
Very soon the morning star
Will break the dark horizon night –
Herald of the door ajar;
Of Christ, the pure and Godhead Light.
Christ again descends with love;
The Morning Star will end our wait.
Victory comes from above
For those who to their Lord relate.
Trumpet of the Lord will sound;
The heav’nly hosts with power descend.
Glory fullness will surround
Our blessed Saviour, Lord and Friend.
Shout of summons we will hear;
Archangel’s voice and trumpet blast.
“Rise My own!” The Lord’s call clear.
O vict’ry shout! With Christ at last!
Then forever with the Lord,
We’ll worship Him with perfect heart.
Blessed Victor we’ll adore,
And never, never, from Him part.
10 April, 1998 R E Ferguson 7-8-7-8
(Alternate first stanza)
Even so, Lord Jesus, come,
And take Your waiting people home.
Expectation’s hope’s not numb
For saints who now on earth do roam.
Received to Him, untainted bliss,
That this world will not comprehend.
Received to Him, not one will miss,
Of those to Christ, whose ways did wend.
What joy it was when saved from sin,
To know its penalty removed.
But joy supreme, when then with Him,
From present sin forever moved.
In Person, Christ will come for us,
“Arise My saints from sorrows’ ground!”
Rise mortals, too. ‘Tis glorious.
Death’s shackles cannot hold us bound.
He comes again in history’s page,
To harvest His redemptive fruit.
From every nation, every age,
Received to Christ, the Lord, in truth.
Caught up with Him forever more,
In history’s greatest gathering,
We’ll praise the Lamb and Him adore,
Because of His deep suffering.
The Bride will sing of unfeigned love
In victory, with victor’s voice,
Translated, with her Lord above
(Redeemed and with her Lord above,)
Then in His presence, she’ll rejoice.
5 – 6 November, 1997 R E Ferguson 8 – 8 – 8 – 8
When the Saviour comes again,
“Come up here!” will be His call.
What a shout of victory!
Listen for that, one and all.
Come, Lord Jesus, for we wait
For that joyous, full return.
To His own the Victor comes.
For that coming, how we yearn.
Now Your saints are so despised;
Dismissed as cast-off refuse.
However, He knows His own;
He soothes those who know abuse.
Lord, bring on that special day
When we rise up in the air –
Glorious, beautiful time
With Jesus, beyond compare.
We love You, dear Lord Jesus
Because to the cross You went.
We were the unworthy ones
For whom Your whole life was spent.
R E Ferguson 23 December 2020 7-7-7-7
The thin, pale light of dawn begins to show –
That promised glimmer of the coming morn.
Deep in the east a streak of light is drawn –
A harbinger of a sun’s mighty glow.
Then slowly pales the night as day ascends;
It has no claim on what has been ordained.
But forward looks to what will be attained;
And clearer still, revealing light descends.
It is not long before encroaching light
Commands its presence right across the sky.
And as the sun attains its place on high,
Its glory warmth bespeaks its rightful might.
Where do we place our time prophetically?
Is it dark night, or is the day at hand?
Is the horizon streaked above the land
With glimmered light, that seeks ascendancy?
Yes, God’s full plan has left the drawing board
And now progresses on with measured haste.
Full long has Nature, all with eager taste
Awaited its redemption from discord.
God’s plan, in broad outline, is on display
Across the pages of His Holy Word.
Redemption’s message now is being heard,
And light blue glimmers, promise coming day.
In these last days, we have confirmed, the signs
That Paul had given to young Timothy.
These point towards the time increasingly
That comes, when God’s prophetic scroll unwinds.
These signs now shine as beacons on a hill
To testify the cup is almost full;
And ever stronger now will grow the pull
Soon closing our Church age. Our hopes fulfil.
One dawning streak on the prophetic sky
Is that of Israel dwelling on its land.
That nation is to those who understand,
The fig tree sprouting forth, whose time is nigh.
Look up and see that your redemption’s near.
The Morning Star glows brightly in the east.
Almost the era of the Church has ceased;
The eastern sky, defined, is bright and clear.
From Morning Star to Sun of Righteousness –
The hint of dawn will grow to glory’s day.
Prophetic revelations all the way
Will usher in the time of holiness.
4 June 1999 R.E.Ferguson 10-10-10-10
He is coming soon for me –
Blesséd entry to eternity.
Soon the trump of God will sound,
And will gather His from all around.
Raised to Him our peerless Head –
Christ, our Lord whose precious blood was shed.
To Himself, He’ll us receive –
Those redeemed who in His works believe.
Rise to Me without delay,
Saints whose bodies in the earth now lay.
Rise up too, you mortals live;
All together in Me will abide.
Purity and joy to share;
No more sorrow, hurt or blame or care.
Changed, our bodies and our minds;
Joys abound and glories of all kinds
Expectation our hope girds –
Comfort one another with these words.
Dead saints, live in liberty!
Mortals, put on immortality!
Raised to Christ, with Him to be –
Riches shared from heaven’s treasury.
We shall thus be with the Lord –
Worship, praise and serve in true accord.
7 December 1997 7-9-7-9
Lines can be reversed to make 9-7-9-7. (Change “Soon” Line 3 to “When”)
The radiant Church one day will be
Removed from earth to glory on high
Raptured from out of this sinful scene;
Never to hear persecution’s cry.
Jesus our Lord is coming again;
Coming to rapture His ransomed Bride
That is the glorious hope we seek
To be with our Lord, close to His side.
He loved the Church, and for it He died
Redeeming love was the depth He showed
The Lamb of God paid for our release
That day He walked the Calvary road.
The wonders of heaven are supreme
And transcend all earth’s limitations.
The joy and peace and tranquillity
Will then be ours, free from temptations.
Our gracious Lord will remove us from
The great Tribulation that proceeds
Once the Church and Holy Spirit leave,
And the world to Antichrist secedes.
Evil will proceed from bad to worse
But the Church possesses heaven’ly hope
For we are citizens of the Light
Not of this darkness, wherein men grope
Through faith, hope is anchored in the One
Who has recreated us anew.
The glorious Church will honour Christ –
He, the mighty Lord, will bring us through!
R E Ferguson 25 January 2022 Metre = 9 throughout ABCB
We know not what a day may bring,
Or if the skies with joy will ring,
When to Himself, the Lord our King,
Takes us who Rapture’s song will sing.
And if His coming yet is stayed,
His children then won’t be dismayed.
For while His coming is delayed,
The gospel message is relayed.
The blesséd hope we look out for –
To be with Him for evermore.
The present signs, we can’t ignore,
Begin to open up that door.
God’s trumpet will peal out its sound,
Archangel’s voice heard all around.
The Saviour’s shout will much abound
To snatch His own from death’s cold ground.
Forever to be with the Lord,
Where love and grace have been outpoured,
To worship Him, our God adored,
Where, gone forever, all that’s flawed.
His promise then will be fulfilled
Exactly as the Father willed.
With doubting heart and mocking stilled,
By Rapture’s song we will be thrilled.
6 – 7 October 1999 R E Ferguson 8-8-8-8
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