Caesar’s Tax: Trump and Theology

Rome Had Caesar. America Has Trump. The People Were and Are Desperate.

If you want to understand why my neighbors voted for Trump, look to the Romans who cheered on Julius Caesar.

I teach ancient history at a small liberal arts college in the Midwest. One question I’m often asked when I tell people what I do is whether or not America is falling apart like Rome did long ago. They want to know what Donald Trump’s victory means for our country and if the Romans can teach us anything about why Trump was able to pull off one of the most stunning political triumphs in American history.

The Roman people, in the end, simply decided that they would rather have food than freedom.

House just passed its big tax bill. Here’s what is in it:
  • Tough decisions loom as congressional GOP moves closer to tax-cut plan
  • Senate GOP changes tax bill to add Obamacare mandate repeal, make individual income cuts expire
  • House passes GOP tax bill, upping pressure on struggling Senate effort
  • More than 400 millionaires tell Congress: Don’t cut our taxes
  • Why a Republican owner of a booming business says he wants a tax cut
  • Ivanka Trump touts GOP tax cuts with data from the Obama administration
  • Trump claims the U.S. doesn’t invest enough in young children
  • Why economists need Tolstoy
  • The bill passed with 227 votes in favor and 205 against, a comfortable margin in the divided chamber
  • ‘I don’t feel wealthy’: The upper middle class is worried about paying for the tax overhaul
  • The many ways President Trump would benefit from the GOP’s tax plan
Kellyanne Conway suggested that the White House remains open to Roy Moore’s embattled senate candidacy on Monday when she told Fox & friends that “we want the votes in the Senate to get this tax bill through” — less than a week after Conway said that “no Senate seat is worth more than a child” in the wake of a series of sexual allegations against Moore.

176 thoughts on “Caesar’s Tax: Trump and Theology

  1. 2018 Tax Cut – lower middle class, medical insurance Jim Price
    • Caesar’s to Caesar article – we do owe that much to Donald Trump
    • Doubling of the standard deduction to ~$24,000
    • Increasing child credit to $2,000
    • What about schools and education?
    • Affecting churches and non-profits

    1. The only thing i have seen is a proposal to end the ban on churches in politics. Which i don’t know if it is a good idea or not. The ban was instituted by Lyndon Johnson to shut down preachers of segregation preaching against him. Personally i avoid politics in the pulpit. It is divisive and the church certainly does not need to be divided. However, when society oversteps someone’s deeply held religious beliefs that is another matter

  2. Carl Pretty sure FOX news mentioned briefly churches when the bill was passed. They did not elaborated much. This was over 2 week ago and there has not been anything else on that since

    1. after watching I have to agree with Nelson Banuchi who said “Trump can’t help always lying, stealing credit for what others have done, being delusional, wholly incompetent as a POTUS”

    2. Troy Day consumer confidence highest in 18 years, stock market goes from 18000 to 24000, 3.2 growth, two of three quarters above 3% since he took office. Lowest unemployment in 17 years, yep, he’s pretty incompetent

    3. Carl Murphy You are correct. Last time consumer confidence was that high was when Bill Clinton zeroed the budget AND THEN the .com bubble burst. So that means absolutely nothing. Confidence is nothing – ability and purchase power is what counts. Thus far the purchasing power of the middle class is in all time low. Hence the reaching out with double standard deduction. But will it flow, will it flow? Back to my question about the church, state and tax

    4. First of all, Carl Murphy, Presidents can’t take all the credit for good economic growth; he’s only one, perhaps even minor, of many factors that contribute to good economic growth.

      Second, it is my understanding that the economy was growing steadily starting from the middle of Obamas second term. So, if you’re going to give credit to Trump, you first need to give it to Obama. Trump inherited – didn’t initiate – economic growth.

      And just as an aside, I’m pretty sure we are all aware that Trump went bankrupt more than one and the only reason why the banks saved him from complete financial collapse is because they would lose more money if they didn’t. With Trump’s kind of business record, I’m not sure it’ll bode well in the near future, even if there are some benefits now.

      It seems this guy (in my opinion, incompetent in business) will take the US to bankruptcy…in one fell swoop! Of course if Trump decides to make some sort of pretext for war against the DPRK or some other country (imo, he could care less about sending his supporters and their children to war), that might give a boost to the economy (if we’re not nuked).

      I have two concerns: (a) the Republicans tax plan (at my writing this, I am not aware if it was approved; actually hoping it is not) and their near future attempt to again repeal/replace Obamacare; and (b) the speed at which the economy is growing…bubble might burst and we’re back to 2008.

      You need to remember, Trump is a liar, therefore, whatever he says about the economy may be misleading, and if something goes terribly wrong, he may perhaps blame even you before he blames himself. He’s willing to take the credit but would refuse to take the blame!

      But, of course, all this is just my opinion. (Btw, I used to be a Republican and never voted Democrat, however, since Trump was voted in as POTUS, I took my name off the Republican roster).

    5. Presidents set tone and policy, amazing how on November 9, 2016 the stock market rose, that it has continued to rise and has had 4 months of 1000 point gains including the last. The president is not a minor player sir. Trump inherited an economy that was stagnant, the only president ever not to achieve 3% growth in one year, ever sir, including Herbert Hoover and Jimmy Carter was Obama. Worker participation under Obama fell to the lowest level since women entered the workforce in large numbers in the 1970’s. Trump has not been bankrupt, several of his companies have but not he. As to the bankruptcy of the nation, maybe you might want to look at that 9.5 TRILLION Obama added to the Debt with nothing to show for it, no “shovel ready jobs” no roads no airports, but plenty of give away’s to unions and green energy. Speaking on bankruptcy, where is that 500 million from Solyndra? Obama will go down with Carter as one of the worst double whammy presidents where he failed Economically and on foreign policy. Trump’s business record turned 1 million in net worth to 4 – 5 billion, not bad i would say. You want to talk at the DPRK, i suggest we start at Bill Clinton and proceed forward, just as you wish to say Trump inherited the economy from Obama, he inherited the foreign policy messes as well. The concerns you cite are simply not valid, the economy is not near capacity and if you want to worry about anything i suggest inflation, because unlike Obama the FED is no longer buying excess dollars to cover up bad policy. As to Obamacare, i dare say it is imploding on itself and is the last refuge of the lazy victims of the where’s my living wage crowd. As to being a liar, i would say sir that you have also lied in your day. I suggest sir you examine the facts. The market rose 10 thousand in 8 years under Obama, it has risen 6 thousand in 10 months under Trump. As to the tax code, allowing companies to bring money home will restructure balance sheets and let companies currently in the negative on pension plans come up to speed. That alone will give room for wages to grow and allow more expansion of the economy. If you want to toot the horn that the tax cuts are geared for the rich, let me remind you that the bottom 47% pay no income tax at present and that would make it difficult to cut their taxes. The tax rates are higher for the rich as well, so they are entitled to get their own money back. Sorry if you are envious of that fact. Be a democrat if you want. The party that won’t support a candidate that is pro life. Be a democrat and be put in a victim silo where excuses are more valuable than hard work, where do what you want is more valuable than having morals. Where anyone that disagrees with the party line is immediately tagged with a moniker or hater, liar, misogyny, racist and the like. Sorry sir but i can think for myself and i got my money the old fashioned way, i earned it.

  3. GOP bill allows churches to back candidates, keep tax status Churches should have the First Amendment right to endorse political candidates and still keep their tax-free status, say House Republicans The transit authority might have reconsidered its ban on the Catholic Church’s advertisement … Should Harboring illegal aliens cost churches tax status?

  4. Carl Murphy Stan Wayne WithThe GOP tax bill is straight out of 1929. Jimmy Humphrey Jim Price

    “There are those who believe that if you will only legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea, however, has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous their prosperity will find its way up through every class which rests upon them.”

  5. #1 I believe several in the Church of God that heard him preach at our General Assembly a few years back would disagree with you. We shouldn’t preach to be performance driven, we should preach with the heart and the love of God, respecting each other regardless of what our opinions are. #2 Franklin Graham is one of thousands of ministers with the same politics. Politics that line up with the Word of God, discerning through the Holy Spirit with truthful facts. Instead of lining up with and believing some of the propaganda and lies that come from the Washington Post and other secular liberal sources.

    1. Economy was growing during the mid-Obama’s 2nd term.

      I’m not sure all she mentions is actually in the works or was just talked about.

      She forgot to mention his getting us close to war with the DPRK and acting as much of a child as Kim Jong-un, that his administration is all over the place from trying to put a spin on his tweets that have negative and foreign domestic consequences and rationalizing the delusional tweets and lies that he perpetrates, and Flynn’s guilt plea, which may hold some disastrous consequences for Trump’s presidency even to the point of solid grounds for impeachment and criminal prosecution.

      Seems Laura is just another Trump supporter giving a spin that is more wishful thinking at best, delusional at worst, than fact.

    2. I have not seen any stats of economical growth since Clinton’s second term It was in all time high then and hasnt been that high since then. This also reflected his morals as much as Trumps Specifically for Carl Murphy and Stan Hansen – compare stock market value vs trillion debt back then and now. Simply no comparison

    3. What a joke impeachment Nelson Banuchi. If you want the socialist secular liberal democrats in power then go move to the European Union. Trump is far from perfect, for that matter who is. But he is for such a time as this.

    4. Ira Huth Talk about gov’t spending…Trump went golfing twice as many times as Obama…on our dime! I thought he was rich…and he probably counts it all as government business whenever he goes golfing or in any of his resorts and gets paid for it…(1) our taxes pay for his recreation, and (2) what our taxes go to pay is those resorts, which he owns! So, actually, our taxes are providing form a profit whenever he goes galavanting on the golf course.

    5. Nelson Banuchi I’m glad we have a insider like you in the White House. That can really know the truth on what’s going on, that really knows the true heart and motive of our President. I will surely rest easy, please keep us all inforned.

    6. Ira Huth What I want is a POTUS who is not habitually lying, demeaning American citizens and government officials (especially veterans), who is not delusional into conspiracy theories, acting just as much like an immature child as Kim Jong-un, and who is not spending time golfing and tweeting in order to brush his own bruised ego and affirm his own worth by essentially demanding everyone love him because he is so awesome.

      Oh, I’ll try my best to keep you informed. Btw, if you have not yet guessed what “the true heart and motive of our President,” then you haven’t been paying attention, at least, close attention or refuse to pay close attention, to what he does (1 John 3:7-8; Prov 19:22).

      ‘nut said…

    7. Ira Huth It’s gotten to a point where it seems conservatives and Republicans are taking their cue from Trump bandying about with false statements in order to defend Trump:

      If we need to make policy, even godly policy, by lying, then we’re no better than the liberals and Democrats whom conservative and Republicans demonize as liars (or, perhaps the latter is worse for being hypocritical (Rom 1:32-2:1).

    8. Oh now the truth comes out, now I know where you are getting false statements misleading with propaganda information. The liberal secular bias put a spin zone play short sound bites news media.
      I’m out here, I’m done!!! Your in my prayers Nelson Banuchi, keep on listening to CNN you will and might need it.
      Good night!!

    9. Ira Huth In all seriousness, it seems you’re only demonstrating your bias rather than objectivity in assessing what is true by dismissing whatever news, although the truthfulness of it is so obvious as to call it nonsense to challenge its veracity (e.g. Graham hypocrisy as show in the video) merely because it originated from liberal media.

      But if you want believe someone who has clearly been demonstrated as a liar merely in the (faint) hope of his obtaining some political end that you desire…

    10. I’m sorry but it is obvious your bias , there was over 1000 ministers that meet with him right before the election. Some was not sure, but afterwards all came out and publicly supported him. Our President is not perfect, neither are you, me and all of us. We all have sinned, lied ect. in the past. But the majority of the Evangelical, Pentecostal leadership through the Holy Spirit support our President. Some of those leaders including Billy Graham, personal have meet, talked to and discerned his heart and motives for America. And has given him Spirtual advice and support. On a daily basis I take time in prayer and suplication with Jes making sure I have a contrite heart

    11. A very well know respected minister told me this recently and it has resonated in my Spirit. Just do the best we can and leave the rest up to God. With a contrite clean heart, a heart and a motive only to serve and please God in righteousness. Seeking him and spending time in a loving relationship. This will give us confidence, peace and wisdom that the world, politics or anything else can not give us.

    12. Ira Huth I’m not sure siding with a person who lies habitually and shoes clear signs of being delusional can be constituted as just doing best we can and is a poor excuse for leaving it up to God.

      Might as well let a Christian who is drunk drive me to church because (a) I can’t get any other person to do it except my sober neighbor but he’s an atheist, so I won’t let him; and (b) the drunk is wanting to do a good deed offering to take me to church and he’s a Christian, so I’ll let him…

      and leave the rest up to God.

    13. Under the Clinton administration President Clinton signed one of the largest Nafta Agreements in our history that had started the Domino effect of industry leaving the US, the first few months that GW Bush was in office.
      And under the Bill Clinton administration the temporary job program was enhanced giving big business the extra money to move over seas, all with Government approval.
      Both parties are for big business, it is just one lies about it more then the other one does.

    1. If you don’t have the intelligence to realize that Corker is so angry with Trump that he is blind to anything Trump proposes you are one sick puppy. Corker would spit his wrist before siding with Trump and was hounded from office by Trump. You know Corker well? Or do you know of him, their is a vast difference. As on that has served on the board of a political action committee i can tell you point blank that politicians simply bear the impression of the guy with the largest wallet. When that wallet turns against then they strike out. Conservative money is against Corker, Trump saw to that and Corker is throwing a hissy fit as is Jeff Flake of Arizona

    2. The reason for this is simple. Corker expresses the feelings and conviction of so many of us – his constituency. Namely, that Trump is not morally fit to be POTUS and his ability to make a tax reform will bring us back to 1929. Glad I voted Corker – a bit of conservative republican reason and common sense on the Hill

    3. Troy Day well it’s apparent you know nothing about 1929. As well what gives you the right to judge another man’s morality? You claim to be Christian, you might want to check that beam in your own eye. Sorry that you are a never Trumper. How would you like to be judged by the opinions of others?

  6. Nelson Banuchi This is what I tried to express though my point was not well received but is true in my personal observation

    When Bill Clinton proposed a modest increase in the top marginal tax rate in his 1993 budget, every Republican voted against it. Trickle-down economists proclaimed that it would lead to economic disaster. But the tax increase on the wealthy was followed by one of the greatest periods of prosperity in American history and resulted in a budget surplus. When the Republicans came back into power in 2001, the administration of George W. Bush pushed the opposite policies, which had invariably produced calamity in the past. Predictably, that happened again in 2008.

    1. It says I will save that much again in 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25. Then it puts the democrats in a box not to continue it in 26 and beyond. Wish I worked for AT&T they are already sharing the wealth and the economy is expected to grow above 3% for the first time since 2006

    2. I am on Comcast and they’ve been in the news lately for problems with delivering internet packages per subscription. The college where I teach in the area also suffered from internet outage for hours at the time recently. Comcasts infrastructure change was long needed for them to keep in business. Wonder if they will be the first ones to employee the recently revoked net neutrality? What an easy way this turns to be to control free speech by giving large tax break to greedy communication companies

    3. Nelson Banuchi actually i took the new rates, the 24k standard deduction compared 2017 at the current tax code and the new tax code. I will save about two hundred a month.

  7. Carl Murphy From what I read it will save
    a person with $100K annual income about 2%
    a person with $300K annual income about 4%
    and a person with $500K annual income about 3%
    pass that the bracket goes over 10%
    then by 2028 it reverses where it will cost more tax to people under $250K while larger brackets will still make larger tax breaks

    Churches/non-profits which are supported mainly by mid-class then may began gaining at first but will not have enough time to recover in a decade and will began to suffer financially with their main supporters unable to spare a buck, perhaps of course if the non profit entity is owned by a mid-class person(s) which is hardly ever the case

    1. So you think so little of Christians that they won’t give if they can’t write it off? If they feel that way they shouldn’t give and God loves the cheerful giver. Using your facts, 2% is. 2000 dollar saving for the guy that makes 100K,?is better than nothing. As far as it reversing, did the Bush taxcut reverse under Obama? No, it was made permanent. Same with this as it will be labeled a tax hike. There was an excellent article on Realclearpolitics Monday about how the tax cut would effect different income groups, unless your income is greater than 400k, you get a nice percentage cut. But then if they only returned a dime, that’s a dime i didn’t have

    2. What’s your point? Here’s mine – 2K saved today will have to turn to 4K by 2028 just to pay taxes. Meaning, I will be less and less able to give more to my church with every year passing in the next decade under this bill. All and while the above 10%-ers will be the only ones benefiting from this bill even in 10-years time. Given it does not get reversed in 2021 by someone else

    3. Troy Day where pray till do you get the 4K in tax increase in 2028? How will you have less to give to your church? Do you give to your church because you love God or that you can write part of it off your taxes? If you don’t want your tax cut, by all means send it to me

  8. Jim Price same here both at home & work. Their infrastructure has been a mess ever since they introduced xfinity and it is high time to fix it. They are jsut using the current media developments as an excuse if you ask me. Nelson Banuchi I was looking for a more detail conclusions as well but seems like Carl Murphy is jut shooting the breeze while most 10%-ers could care less about the middle class in America today. Hopefully tax return is more help than harm

    1. I will not be able to b/c in 10 yrs I will have to pay back 4% for getting to keep 2% today. While the 10%-ers will get to keep 10% today and every year for the next 10 years. How is this fair to the middle class?

    1. Ira Huth As Jimmy Humphrey just explained to me – Now that the standard deduction is doubled, there is going to be less incentive to maximize your deductions because very few people will itemize.


    President Donald Trump on Thursday announced new tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum, setting off a firestorm among Republicans.
    Sen. Ben Sasse called the move “a massive tax increase on American families.”
    Conservative policy groups also came out against the move.
    Republicans and conservative groups were furious with President Donald Trump’s Thursday’s announcement that the US would impose new tariffs — taxes on imports — of 25% for steel and 10% for aluminum.

    Good. Proves not a republican, but also I want to buy stuff that says MADE in AMERICA again Jim Price Joseph D. Absher Jimmy

    1. Do you know the Chinese have a city called USA (without periods) where they manifacture stuff like it is made in USA? Wasnt scam in the 80s aint gonna be scam again

    2. No cheap imports no more Not on metal stuff Your new cheap Ford will be over 50K Chevy about there too

    3. When you understand the basic economic concept of “division of labor” and it’s connection to low priced mass produced products that help consumers live off better financially, you’ll understand why “Made in America” or “Buying local” is for suckers who don’t understand anything about money

    4. There wasnt the so called division of labor as you call it in the 60-70-80s and we were just fine This new world order labor is not working not here not in the EU – only in Russia and China No thank you Give me the good ol USA Let’s assume I’ve too read Adam Smith back in my day, traded on Forex and know a bit about simple economix 🙂

  10. dont care about Chinese Give me products with MADE in AMERICA again and let me keep my guns n such Trump proved he is not conservative and that it does not appear that he has ever read the Constitution of these United States of America. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. He is simply revealing glimpses of his liberal, socialist, dictatorial impulses Nelson

    1. Troy Day: If Trump proved anything, it’s that he has no idea what he’s doing and has no understanding (not sure if that is a deliberate act to remain ignorant or a failure of his mental ability to think further than a 5th grader) of how the U.S. government works.

  11. Couldn’t agree more about the first part — but, I don’t think the latter is necessarily true. He’s shown he has a lot of conservative impulses too. What I think is key is that they’re impulses — abrupt, thoughtless decisions based on whatever happens to me going through his mind at the time. And whether conservative or leftist, the impulses seem to tend toward the authoritarian side. That was what concerned me the most and this is an excellent example of it.

    1. Troy Day: “… the impulses seem to tend toward the authoritarian side. That was what concerned me the most and this is an excellent example of it.”

      That has been my primary concern, next to him starting a war because his ego’s been hurt and/or he thinks he has to prove he’s a man, since he was a candidate… and that still is my concern. Nevertheless, I still contend he doesn’t know what he’s doing day by day…

    2. I wasn’t meaning to imply that he had only liberal, socialist, dictatorial impulses/tendencies. He only sees people and political positions as means to an end. If spouting conservative positions will help him get what he wants, he will spout them. Same with evangelicals churches

  12. Nelson Banuchi Yep, the man says things that can be taken MUCH FURTHER than he actually means. Oh yes, he irritates me no end not running everything thru some filters. Maybe in three years he may learn to be a politician, maybe not. I get the feeling he needs teleprompters 24/7 but that ain’t gonna happen. Yep, there he done it again!


  14. Congratulations Nelson Banuchi Jim Price The Federal Reserve just raised interest rates on Wednesday by a quarter of a percentage point and signaled that the central bank is on track to raise rates twice more in 2018. Trump is definitely not in control

  15. Sorry. Caesar was an Emporer, place in that position because of his birth.Trump is an elected official by the people to the office of President. Trump has cut taxes, Caesar placed great burdens of taxes on the whole Empire. Career was a congurer of nations. Trump is making peace with NKand SK will probably get a Nobel Peace Prize.
    There is a big difference.

  16. Jimmy Humphrey Link Hudson Jim Price Steve Maxwell and my other economix friends in the group

    Families will feel the pain of losing this tax break
    Tax bill raises standard deductions but chops out personal exemptions.
    Personal exemptions are $4,050 per taxpayer, spouse and qualifying dependent in 2017.
    It just seems rigth to me that families with a lot of children should be a high priority for a tax break
    If you want to understand why we all voted for Trump, look to the Romans who cheered on Julius Caesar
    all and while he was establishing Pax Romana

    1. Trump is raising taxes We are already seeing it No need to wait Link Hudson According to our church accountant, the new Trump tax plan will cost me $3000 per year because many of my deductions were removed. My taxes are quite complicated due to rental property and this plan is going to force high rents. Another unintended consequence of the Trump tax plan.

  17. Troy Day I just posted on the new tax plan elsewhere today. I think I may have to pay $4000 more a year under the new tax plan for next year’s income than I would have under the old laws.

    Maybe they want to encourage smaller family sizes.

    1. Jimmy Humphrey Joshua A. Humphries Of course, The corporate cuts are permanent, while the individual changes expire at the end of 2025 and have to pay back

    2. Yup. Anyone who didn’t see that must’ve been asleep for the last year. Far too many people only pay attention to headlines and (maybe) introductory paragraphs so they miss the finer details.

    3. This generation can forget social security Jim Price There will be none left to pay off in just a few short years and raising the taxes to 80% in a few short years aint gonna help much either

    4. I don’t care if someone’s liberal, conservative, communist, anarchist, libertarian, or any other philosophy of politics; but if they’re not paying attention to the detailed facts, they’re not gonna get my respect because our greatest problem is a slumbering public.

    5. True but lets say it in a true capitalistic conservative republican way – I dont care how they do it as long as I dont have to pay more taxes and higher gas prices out of my pocket Amen and Amern

  18. Link Hudson The child tax credit, or CTC, was introduced by 1997 legislation and was first available in 1998. It started as a small, nonrefundable credit of $400 for each qualifying child under 17. In the last 20 years, it has undergone many changes. Under pre-TCJA law, the CTC was worth up to $1,000 per qualifying child, was refundable for taxpayers with earned income of at least $3,000, and phased out (decreased) for taxpayers with AGI above $75,000 ($110,000 for joint filers). These rules remain in effect for 2017 tax returns (filed in 2018).
    Under the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) the following child tax credit changes will take place in 2018:

    The Child Tax Credit under 2018 tax reform is worth up to $2,000 per qualifying child. The age cut-off remains at 17 (the child must be under 17 at the end of the year for taxpayers to claim the credit).
    The refundable portion of the credit is limited to $1,400. This amount will be adjusted for inflation after 2018.
    The earned income threshold for the refundable credit is lowered to $2,500.
    The beginning credit phaseout for the CTC increases to $200,000 ($400,000 for joint filers). The phaseout also applies to the new family tax credit.
    The child must have a valid SSN to claim the nonrefundable and refundable credit.

    1. The deduction for Married and Joint Filers increases from $12,700 to $24,000. It reverts back to the current level in 2026 when we will have to pay it all back

    2. No they cant because we owe too much already. Trump is doing a typical Rome Give bread and show Then ask for pay through property and citizenship rights. Just wait – aint no way he can swing this one to the end

    3. The IRS has nothing to do with the US federal government
      The IRS is a privately owned business incorporated in the State of Vermont in 1933. It’s owned by R E HARRINGTON who lives in England. Anyone can read it in the first Tax code book of the IRS. The IRS originally only could collect taxes from people who made over one million dollars and only had jurisdiction in Alaska, Guam, US Virgin Island, Samoa, and Hawaii. When you sign the 10 W 40 each year you sign a contract with R E Harrington to pay him, rather then, the IRS. Anyone can get out of paying taxes by signings waver that releases them from the contract it can be obtained through the freedom of information act in Washington DC. By doing so it takes one out of the whole Social Security system.

    4. Yes David – you are talking to preachers here We all know we can get out of paying medical and SS especially for religious / faith conviction reasons – the question is what happens when you get old and have no money Church pension?

    5. Troy Day What? Cannot you control your self to save money for your own retirement. Social Security is automatically taken out of your paycheck. Why can’t you do it by yourself? Lol.
      I am retired. And when I learned how not to pay taxes and save my own money I did it. If me, a common nobody can do it surely anyone can do it. Besides, personal savings leaves you in control of your money and anyone can get a better rate of return than the the IRS which is nothing/zero.

  19. Link Hudson Worst of it all is it eliminates personal exemptions. Before the Act, taxpayers subtracted $4,150 from income for each person claimed. I dont know your exact situation but as a result, some families with many children will pay higher taxes despite the Act’s increased standard deductions.

    1. That is vlose to the wxtra mone y will have to pay according to H&R Block’s tax calculator. It might be good for the very poor to picket 1400 per child if they dont have enough incometo exempt.

    2. Troy Day It’s a case of small buttons on the cell phone screen and big thumbs. I fixed the spelling.

      I did not say I wasn’t going to pay my taxes. I was just calculating my income to help me make choices between jobs and trying to project income a bit into the future.

    3. Families can incorporate and be come a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in the US and deducted many if the costs of operating a family. Just go to your state Commerce Department, ask for the incorporation forms for an LLC fill them out and return the for processing. They check for name availability. The cost uis mininal depending on the State. I’m Missouri, the cost was $100 and the registration was continual for life. No refining every year.
      I used my deductions such as, part of my home as a business office (10%), m

    4. David Griffin you need a business to do that with. And you.need to keep the money vand set up a draw of profits. Do you have to have a separate tax ID for the LLC?

      Do you know some easy LLC businesses? Something you could do on a long road trip for example?

    5. Link Hudson I only know about the US. I’m not familiar with the laws in other countries.
      Your family name can be used as a business entity,
      such as; Griffin Enterprises, but for me that name was already taken, so was the name Guardian Business Concepts, so I change the name to Guerdian Business Concepts and it was accepted. My businesses are registered in two States

    6. Link Hudson Just a regular checking account at almost any bank or Credit Union will set up a business account, most will do it for free. Some require a fee and a minimum balance. Just shop around for a bank or Credit union that will set one up for free.
      Keeping records are easy once you get the hang of it.
      A Profit and Losses sheet is really very easy. I never used one.
      I used H&R Block as my tax preparer, and I deducted the cost of using them every year accept for th first year.
      Also, you do not have to have a business plan format. Just register your business name with the state, whenthe name is approved, the State gives you a state ID number. They will give you a 1-800 # to call the IRS and they Will ask you a few questions and give you a FEIN, Federal Emploee/Employer Identification Number. The number is free. And you’re set to run your business.
      Make sure you check the laws for your state.

    7. David Griffin you can use your SS# for a sole proprietership and register a “doing business as” name for the sole proprietership. There is a tax UD number for partnerships but I am not sure about LLCs.

    8. David Griffin if you could make money every so many years selling pictures of the beach, you could deduct that. You could deuct mileage, gas, hoyels,etc. If you had a large family and needed a second hotel room that would not be deductible unless you hire the kids as hand and foot models. You could hire the kids up to the amount they don’t have to pay taxes on and that becomes an expense. Is there any problem with that plan? I read a book that suggested having a side business, even MLM if necessary, for tax deductions purposes. If you can start making money, that is good, too.

    9. David Griffin btw I have a ticket back to the US. My wife and I jointly owned a “sole proprietership– funny name for it but that is how Hawaii classified it. I helped my wife open an LLC but we never got around to using it.

    10. Link Hudson like I said, I DO NOT know about the laws in other countiries.
      But in the U.S. DBAs and sole proprietorships are taxed differenly. I DO NOT know anything about them in other countries.

    Under some state laws, acceptance of government aid – even federal aid – triggers new legal obligations and restrictions. For example, the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA) generally prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of religion, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity. CADA expressly exempts “any religious organization” from these requirements. But the exemption is lost if the organization “is supported in whole or in part by money raised by taxation or public borrowing.” C.R.S. § 24-34-402(7).

    Even without this exemption, CADA still permits religious organizations to select employees based upon religious preference. But as with Title VII, this may not permit an employer to discriminate based on other protected classes, such as sexual orientation and gender identity.

    Most Colorado churches and ministries aren’t subject to CADA because they’re not supported by government aid. But accepting PPP or EIDL loans could change that and cause an organization to lose at least some of its religious exemption.

    Many religious organizations find themselves in dire straits as a result of this crisis. And each will have to balance the economic threat to their operations with the legal risks that come with accepting the government’s help. Every church and ministry will have decide for itself how to strike that balance. But each should go into it with eyes wide open, mindful of the potential costs to their mission and values. As always, you should consult with an attorney regarding your specific situation.

    1. I’d investigate the “may”. If this is a one-time gift, be prepared to return it if there are strings attached. But as a general principle, don’t accept gifts from unbelievers period.

    2. Steve Losee is it ONE time only? this will be going on till 2022 IMO on and off so did influenza 1918-1920 3 strong waves – – – one thing for sure govt. will get its money back

  21. I met with the board in our church and they were a majority in favor. We have a strong feeding program to the community so this money will help us keep the staff paid and the ministry going on.

    1. Are you taking about the PPP loan? Are you the boards financial guru? Are you still in TN – do you have problem with hiring gay, cross-gender or opening an unisex bathroom in your church?


    1. Is it really necessary for Pastors to dress like thugs (simply defining attire not personality) to reach this generation? – I love them enough to do whatever it takes to reach them…

    2. Is there any place left for Spiritual Fathers in todays ministry climate?

    PS. This is NOT a criticism (it’s research) so be nice…

  23. Jim Price will you follow with your BOARD meeting Lately you’ve been dropping the bomb and walking away for sometime

  24. Neil Steven Lawrence Steve Losee last night a black preacher was sucking up to the pres ? pretty bad

    I like Trump I dont think he is saved though

    I also think churches are being manipulated in the greatest way in American history right now

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