The Prophetic Significance of Pat Robertson’s Passing
As many of you know, Pat Robertson was just promoted to heaven. What few know is WHY God put such favor and blessings on his life for pioneering Christian television. I believe it was because Pat was also a pioneer for promoting God’s heart for the Jew and Israel (Genesis 12:3). Many years ago, Pat laid hands on me and imparted his anointing to me. I never imagined I would one day own a TV network he had owned—Middle East Television (METV).
Imagine Pat’s reception and celebration going on in Heaven right now! Well done good and faithful servant!
I believe when Billy Graham passed, a spirit of evangelism that was on him was released worldwide. With Pat’s passing, I believe a spirit of evangelism through the media was released to the Body of Messiah. I also believe this is a signal from God of the beginning of the Greater Glory Outpouring that will keep increasing until Messiah returns!
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