Joe Biden Is Working To Keep Hamas In Power In Gaza Over The Palestinians Despite Israel’s Sworn Declaration To ‘Wipe Them Off The Face Of The Earth’
A source within the Israeli government told Breitbart News on Tuesday that U.S. President Joe Biden pressure would lead to Hamas surviving the war intact, rather than allowing Israel to destroy Hamas or remove its military and governing capabilities.
What Israel needs to do to Hamas has little to do with retaliation or revenge, emotions have little place on the battle field. Israel needs to permanently dismantle the framework from which Hamas was able to wield control over the Palestinians in Gaza and also in the West Bank. A ceasefire works contrary to this idea, and in fact it gives Hamas time to recalibrate and adjust to the serious blow Israel was dealing to them. A ceasefire with Hamas is actually a death warrant for the Jews and Israel. Either it’s ‘never again’ or it’s not. Which is it?
“He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.” Psalm 72:8 (KJB)
What happened to Germany and to the German people in the closing days of WWII, utter annihilation, was not produced by the ‘war-mongering’ allies who were carpet-bombing Berlin while committing ‘war crimes’. It was the direct result of the German people giving their support to a fanatical, demonic type of Antichrist who eventually brought destruction to their doorstep in the form of the Allied response to Nazi aggressions. So it is in Gaza with the Palestinians, who have given their support to a fanatical, demonic group of murdering, raping terrorists called Hamas. That is what is responsible for the destruction of Gaza, nothing else. Israel has a choice, they can finish the job or they can wait until Hamas strikes again. Take your pick, it’s really that simple.
Source: Joe Biden Pressure on Israel For Ceasefire Will Leave Hamas Intact and in Power Over Gaza
FROM BREITBARTS NEWS: In recent days, the White House has acknowledged that Israel intends to continue fighting Hamas after the current “pause,” sought by Biden to allow the release of hostages, ends later this week.
“The Israelis have been pretty clear that once the pauses are complete and the hostage exchanges [sic] are over that they intend to continue their military operations against Hamas,” White House adviser John Kirby said on Monday (Israel does not hold “hostages”; it is releasing convicted Palestinian terrorists).
However, the White House is no longer clearly stating that it shares that goal. And the Israeli government privately believes Biden is prepared to tolerate the survival of Hamas, despite the fact that Hamas and other terror groups would see that as a victory.
The reason Israel believes this is Biden’s goal is that the U.S. administration is imposing onerous conditions on the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) regarding its operations in Gaza, such that defeating Hamas has become almost impossible.
The New York Times described these Tuesday:
The United States has warned Israel that it must fight more surgically and avoid further mass displacement of Palestinians in its war against Hamas to avoid a humanitarian crisis that overwhelms the world’s ability to respond, according to senior Biden administration officials.
American officials have told the Israelis that any coming military operations should not hamper the flow of power and water or impede the work of humanitarian sites such as hospitals and U.N.-supported shelters in south and central Gaza.
Neither the U.S. nor neighboring Egypt — a U.S. ally — has made plans to allow residents of Gaza to leave the area during fighting, nor have any other Arab countries offered to take in Palestinians, meaning Israel alone bears the risk to Palestinian civilians. Middle East analyst and commentator Caroline Glick went into further detail in a column for the Jewish News Syndicate. She said, for example, that Biden’s opposition to Israeli airstrikes on buildings gave Hamas snipers the ability to kill Israeli soldiers.
She wrote: “At a minimum, it is clear that Biden’s preference for the lives of civilians in Gaza over the lives of IDF soldiers on the ground ensures that far more soldiers will be killed in the fighting than would otherwise.”
She noted that Biden had originally questioned Hamas’s statistics on civilian casualties in Gaza — which fail to distinguish between Hamas terrorists and true non-combatants — but that he had since apologized to anti-Israel Muslim groups and now uses the faulty Hamas death statistics.
(Arab- and Muslim-American voters in Michigan, a key swing state in the 2024 election, are also threatening to sit out the race, and polls suggest that young voters, who are swayed by negative social media portrayals of Israel, oppose Biden’s public stance.)
Glick added that Israel likely knew the locations in which most of the hostages were being kept, but had been prevented from launching military operations to rescue them because of the high potential cost in civilian lives, which Biden would not tolerate.
Moreover, Glick noted, the Biden administration insists on letting the Palestinian Authority control Gaza after the war, rather than allowing Israel to control security there — a return to the status quo before 2007, when Hamas staged a coup in Gaza. This, she said, fundamentally placed Israeli security at risk, as did the Biden administration’s opposition to measures such as blockades, which Israel and Egypt were forced to impose on Gaza after Hamas began importing weapons into the territory.
The Biden administration is currently divided over Israel, with many staff members opposed to Biden’s public support for Israel, and pressing for a return to the “distance” of the Barack Obama administration, when the U.S. often sided against Israel. READ MORE
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