Hospitals In The UK Now Promoting Breast Feeding For Trans Women Using The Newman-Goldfarb Protocol
‘For transgender women on estrogen-based, gender-affirming hormone therapy, the ability to nourish their infants through production of their own milk may be a profoundly gender-affirming experience.’
How far will this dystopian and hellish nightmare continue to play out and go on? Are transgender women actually women? No, they are men. They are men on the inside and they are men on the outside, no amount of makeup or surgery will ever erase those distinctions. Allowing trans women to raise children is bad enough by itself, but to then promote the breastfeeding of those babies at the teats of biological men is downright demonic.
“This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.” Genesis 5:1,2 (KJB)
What we are actually watching is the creation of a race of mutant zombies, once human, and now through chemical and surgical means have transmogrified themselves into something right out of dystopian science fiction. It’s Jack The Ripper meets Frankenstein, with a stop along the way to visit with Leon from ‘A Dog Day Afternoon’. It is a sickness of the mind that manifests itself in the body, it is the ‘wages of sin’ in bright, bold technicolor for all to see. The best thing you can do for a transgender is to give the gospel that they might be saved. It happens, it’s possible, just ask Laura Perry.
UK Hospitals say hormone-filled milk from trans women who were born male is just as good for a baby as the real thing
FROM THE DAILY MAIL UK: A leaked letter from the medical director of University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust, published this week, describes both as ‘human milk’ and says that they are the ‘ideal food for infants’. The letter was sent on behalf of the Trust’s chief executive in response to a campaign group’s complaint about gender policies.
Last year, trans woman Mika Minio-Paluello – who was born male but identifies as a woman – posted a picture appearing to show her breastfeeding her baby on a bus, with the accompanying message ‘Trans women can breastfeed’. Feminists were outraged.
Labour MP Rosie Duffield said: ‘Babies can’t be used as guinea pigs for someone else’s lifestyle choice. ‘When a man has not and cannot grow a baby, why on earth are we pandering to this? Who does it benefit? Not the children. We wouldn’t do any other medical experiments on babies. Breast milk made by a baby’s biological mother is tailor-made for that baby.’
Have women been doing this wrong all along, the frazzled mum might well wonder.
So what’s the truth? Can a biological male really breastfeed a baby by producing milk from their nipples? The complex answer is yes and no.
By using a regimen known as the Newman-Goldfarb protocol, originally developed in 2000 for adoptive mothers, the body can be tricked into lactating even if it’s male. It works by mimicking the hormonal changes that take place naturally in the body of a woman who has just given birth, and involves several weeks of regularly using a pump to stimulate the breast, taking a combination of contraceptive hormones and the anti-nausea drug domperidone, which increases levels of the milk-producing hormone prolactin.
But if that sounds simple, it really isn’t. For a start, domperidone is banned in the US over concerns it causes heart problems.
The NHS sometimes offers it to breastfeeding women who are struggling with low milk supply, as long as neither mother nor baby has any heart issues, and with clear instructions to report any changes in the baby’s behaviour.
It should be used, says guidance, only ‘for a short time’. (Minio-Paluello says she breastfed her child for ‘a few weeks’.) READ MORE
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