Tucker Carlson Interviews Anti-Israel Pastor From Christ At The Checkpoint Ministry In Palestinian Controlled Bethlehem That Promotes Antisemitism
Tucker Carlson interviewed an anti-Israel pastor from the Palestinian Authority-controlled city of Bethlehem, portraying his views as representative of Christians “in the region — in Gaza, the West Bank, and in Israel proper.”
Over the years, I have been very pro-Tucker, have agreed with him in the vast majority of instances and issues, even going to far as to brand him ‘The Last Truth Teller’ back in 2020. Well, he did not tell the truth in his latest interview with the pastor of a pro-Palestinian group called ‘Christ At The Checkpoint’ which hates the Jews and Israel. Tucker presented Isaac as a Christian who well represents the Christian position with regards to Israel, when in fact this Jew-hating “pastor” does no such thing. Shame on you, Tucker, shame on you.
“And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither the LORD shall lead thee.” Deuteronomy 28:37 (KJB)
While we are on the subject, in recent weeks Tucker has becoming increasingly antisemitic himself, which is distressing to see. Israel right now is bracing for what all channels are saying will be a strong attack by Iranian forces and proxies, and the Jews need US aid and support like never before. Tucker, you said a few months ago you had started reading your bible for yourself, perhaps you missed the dozens and dozens of references where God calls the Jews His chosen people. If you want the biblical position held by Bible believing Christians about Israel and Jews, please feel free to book me as your next guest. I will be happy to do that. Am Yisrael Chai.
Tucker Carlson Interviews Anti-Israel and Antisemitic ‘Pastor’ from Palestinian-run Bethlehem
FROM BREITBART NEWS: Carlson interviewed Rev. Munther Isaac of Bethlehem for the latest episode of his show, Tucker Carlson Uncensored. Isaac is an activist who opposes evangelical Christian support for Israel and says Jews do not need Israel to feel safe. Isaac also recently posted about “76 years” of “suffering and pain” since Israel was created in 1948, suggesting he does not think Israel should exist. (Palestinians and several Arab states attacked Israel at its founding, and lost the war.)
Carlson did not provide any of this context, but merely presented Isaac as an authority on how Israel treats Christians.
Christians worship freely in Israel, and make up almost 2% of the population. (Jews are roughly 80%; most of the remainder are Muslim Arabs, along with Druze and other ethnic groups.) The Christian population of Israel is growing — one of the few places in the Middle East where that is true. Moreover, Christian Arabs are among the most successful groups in Israel in terms of economic achievement.
Isaac also criticized the Abraham Accords, a peace treaty between Israel and several Arab countries that has endured the war. His primary interest is not peace, but rather the advancement of the Palestinian struggle against Israel.
Carlson added his own commentary, criticizing “self-professed Christians” in the U.S. who are “sending money to oppress Christians” in the Palestinian territories. He added that some “evangelical leaders care much more about the highly secular government of Israel than they care about Christian communities in the Middle East.”
The pastor blamed “Zionism” — the belief that Jews have the right to self-determination in their spiritual homeland — for that.
Isaac also blamed U.S. support for Israel for the Hamas terror attack on October 7, and repeated dubious claims against the Israeli military, such that Israeli snipers killed two people in a church in Gaza (which the IDF rejects).
Tucker, my friend, before the Palestinians took over Bethlehem pursuant to the Oslo Accords in the mid-1990’s, Bethlehem was under Israeli control and its population was 80% Christian. It was one of the centers of the Christian world. Since Oslo and the resulting Palestinian… https://t.co/Jk6VwRm7Aa
— David M Friedman (@DavidM_Friedman) April 9, 2024
He also falsely claimed that people in Gaza are not able to obtain medical care, and cannot travel to hospitals in Israel. In fact, many Israelis, including some later attacked by Hamas on October 7, drove Palestinians to Israeli hospitals. Gaza had many hospitals prior to the war, and patients do travel to Israel to receive specialized care. It can be difficult to arrange, but it is a priority for Israeli physicians — or it was, at least, prior to the war. (Ironically, Hamas’s Gaza leader, Yahya Sinwar, was saved from cancer by Israeli doctors while serving tim in an Israeli prison.)
Carlson suggested that the U.S. cut off all aid to Israel if a single Christian was harmed by its military operations. He overlooked the fact that Bethlehem was a prosperous city with a flourishing Christian majority when it was under Israeli control following the 1967 war, until after the Palestinian Authority took control in 1995. READ MORE
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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)
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The post Tucker Carlson Interviews Anti-Israel Pastor From Christ At The Checkpoint Ministry In Palestinian Controlled Bethlehem That Promotes Antisemitism appeared first on Now The End Begins.
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