27 Mar 2023
Funding the Terrorists
U.S. foreign policy is often nothing if not enabling where terrorists are concerned. It’s still a “mystery” that the Bush administration allowed members of the Saudi royal family fly home immediately after 9/11.
For decades, we have propped-up rogue regime after rogue regime. Pumping money into Middle East police states, Ukrainian oligarchs, and Palestinian grifters has compromised our own financial integrity. It has also corroded our moral structure.
Now, a charity operating in Gaza (“Hamas Land”) has come under the scrutiny of Republican Congressman Darrell Issa. According to a report from Caroline Glick, Issa sent a letter to Anthony Blinken and, well:
“On Feb. 27, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) wrote a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken demanding the suspension of a U.S. State Department grant that was awarded to Fares Al Arab for Development and Charity Works in Gaza due to the group’s ties to Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist organizations.
“The State Department gave Fares Al Arab a $41,213 grant for ‘Developing Palestinian Journalists’ English Skills.’ But as The Washington Free Beacon reported, Fares Al Arab issued a grant ‘to a radio network run by the Islamic Jihad … , honored a self-described journalist who belonged to the PFLP, hosted a press freedom event that featured a spokesman for the Islamic Jihad, and co-led a human rights training course with a convicted terrorist.’”
Issa said that he wanted to know by March 10 why the grant was issued if the terror ties were known, and to give complete rundown of the financials involved.
I think we all know this current rogue regime in Washington will never deign to give those kinds of answers. But I applaud Issa for trying. It is important to keep trying to penetrate the corridors of the Deep State, of which Blinken is a loyal foot soldier.
Glick explains that this whole affair is tightly choreographed. As Glick wrote: “The full expanse of the Biden administration’s policy towards Palestinian terrorists and Israel became clear this week during U.S. Special Representative for Palestinian Affairs Hady Amr’s visit to Israel and Jordan.”
Amr first stopped in Jordan (no real friend of Israel or the U.S.). Ostensibly, he was there to participate in a summit to combat terror, specifically the uptick of murder in Israel by Palestinians. Get this: the end goal here is to train 5,000 (thousand) Palestinian commandos to be deployed in the Territories to “fight” (my quotes) terrorism. Here comes the scary specifics:
“The U.S. proposal would also require Israel to sharply curtail IDF counterterror operations. It foresees the deployment of foreign forces, including U.S. military forces, on the ground. The ostensible purpose of those forces would be to separate Palestinians from Israelis. In practice, such a deployment would pit U.S. and other forces against IDF soldiers and Israeli civilians on behalf of the Palestinians.
“Among the many alarming aspects of the U.S. plan is the fact that it ignores completely the direct involvement of Palestinian forces in terrorist attacks. During the course of the Palestinian terror war 20 years ago, U.S.-trained P.A. forces murdered 26 IDF soldiers in 2002 alone. The Palestinians learned how to use cell phones as remote detonation devices from their American trainers. Over the years, they have put that knowledge to use not to fight terror but to kill Israelis in terrorist attacks.
“The P.A., whose forces the U.S. seeks to ‘empower,’ is controlled by the Fatah terror group. P.A. chairman Mahmoud Abbas is the chairman of Fatah. Fatah terrorists carried out most of the murderous terror attacks in 2021-2022. Several of those attacks were carried out by P.A. security officers.”
These people aren’t to be trusted. Yet the U.S. appears ready to trust them. Why? I think at the root, the current regime in Washington, like that of Barack Obama’s, really seeks to undermine Israel and make her soft and vulnerable for the long-anticipated destruction of the Jewish state.
Israel will survive the latest round of violence, as it always does, and will. But how utterly tragic that death robs Jews of family and friends. All the while, the world aligns itself with the evil one.
The anti-Israel, anti-Jew sentiment in our State Department and White House is a stain on our national history.
Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
The post 27 Mar 2023 appeared first on Rapture Ready.
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