Red Heifer Update 2022 :: By Jeff Van Hatten

Prophecy continues to be fulfilled at an alarming pace. The state of Israel is a fact. Jerusalem is controlled by the Jews and belongs to Israel. The Hebrew language has been revived, and all Israeli citizens are required to learn it. The desert is blooming. And Jewish authorities are preparing to qualify a red heifer and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.

The Sanhedrin

On October 13, 2004, the Sanhedrin was reestablished for the first time since 425 AD and reconvened on February 9, 2005, to discuss the topic of the Third Temple. Since that time, all of the gold and silver utensils and the garments needed for Temple worship have either been recovered or re-manufactured. Only the Ark of the Covenant awaits recovery. The Temple building itself has been prefabricated and can be rebuilt as soon as permission is given to do so. Two hundred Kohen priests have been identified through DNA testing and are being trained to re-institute animal sacrifices according to scriptural requirements outlined in the Scroll of Leviticus. The breeding program for the red heifer has been established by the Temple Institute.

The Heifers

Red Heifers in scripture are especially important. A red heifer is necessary for purification from sin, according to Numbers 19:2. Today, headlines are ablaze with the news that a pure red heifer may have been found.

Deuteronomy Chapter 21:1-9 recounts the process for forgiving a town that is nearby a murder victim when the perpetrator of the murder is not known. The elders of the city nearest to the victim are to take a heifer that has never been put to work or yoked for use as a draft animal. Jeremiah 48:34 recounts the wailing of the cities of Heshbon and Elealah that could be heard as far away as Jahaz, sounding like the cries of a three-year-old heifer.

The Perfect Red Heifer Requirements

Numbers 19:2 – “Tell the people of Israel to bring you a young red female cow without fault or defect and which has never borne a yoke.”

There are several main requirements:

  1. It must be a female cow.
  2. It must be a red heifer that has no blemish. In other words, if it has more than only two other color hairs, it is disqualified. Additionally, it must not have any physical blemishes or spots.
  3. It must have never been used for labor. In other words, never harnessed or yoked.
  4. It must have never been pregnant. In other words, never used as a part of the breeding program nor been allowed to mate with a male cow.
  5. It must be within its third year. i.e., at least one day older than two years old but not yet four years old.
  6. It must be slaughtered outside the holy city of Jerusalem but within sight of the Temple.

The first requirement, that the heifer be female, is exactly in opposition to the Egyptian superstition that only male cows were suitable for sacrifice and worship of their goddess Isis. Yahweh judges this belief as false superstition.

The second requirement, that the heifer was unblemished and also red in color, signifies the sacrifice of the blood of Yeshua, the perfect sacrificial lamb.

Thirdly, an animal that had been used for a common purpose was deemed improper for sacrifice. An animal that had been yoked and used to plow the ground would be disqualified. An animal that had become pregnant would also be considered disqualified due to its use for a common purpose – bearing fruit. It signifies that we are saved by grace, not by works.

The Priestly Requirements

The two hundred Kohen priests who have been identified through DNA testing must now be consecrated for service. The anointing oil was found in an Archaeological dig in April 1988. The Mediterranean Sea Snail, which disappeared in 70 AD, has returned in great numbers and now makes it possible for the precious blue and the purple dye required for the High Priestly garments to be manufactured. (Oil and snails – just two more supernatural events!)

Only one requirement is still missing – the red heifer. None of the current priests are ceremonially clean. They cannot be cleansed until the water of separation is recreated. And that requires the ashes of a perfect red heifer! That heifer must be in its third year. In other words, at least one day older than two years old but not yet four years old. That is a very small window of the time during which the priests can be made eligible to serve – a mere 360-day period.

The Breeding Program

In 2015, the Temple Institute in Jerusalem established a breeding program called “Raise a Red Heifer in Israel” to raise the necessary item needed for purification of the Temple and its priests. Israeli law does not allow the importation of live cattle into Israel, so the Temple Institute imported frozen embryos of red Angus cows from the United States and implanted them into the wombs of Israeli domestic cows.

Tradition, History, and Red Heifer Mania

According to Jewish tradition, the perfect heifer must be over two years old but under four years old, and perfect red heifers are extremely rare. Scripture says Moses prepared the first one during the Exodus, and Ezra sacrificed the second red heifer during the days of the First Temple. The Mishna (Jewish oral law; tradition) records the names of those who performed the sacrifice during the time of the Second Temple. They are: Simon the Just and Yochanan the High Priest each sacrificed two red heifers, El’yhoeini ben Hakof, Hanameel the Egyptian, and Yishmael ben Pi’avi sacrificed one each (Mishna Parah 3:5).

Historical documents say that from that time until the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D., only nine perfect red heifers have been sacrificed. Jewish tradition also informs us that there are to be only ten red heifers, and according to Maimonides, the tenth heifer will usher in the messianic age! He states: “… and the tenth red heifer will be accomplished by the king, the Messiah; may he be revealed speedily, Amen, May it be God’s will.”

The Temple Institute had identified two candidates, one in 1997 and another in 2002, both initially thought to have met the requirements, but later found each to be unsuitable. The headlines read:

Apocalypse Cow” in the New York Times (1997) and “News Flash: Red Heifer Born In Israel” in a Temple Institute web posting (2002). In 2014 the headlines read “Torah-Condition-For-3rd-Temple-Now-Met,” and articles reported that the Temple Institute had posted a video showing what appeared to be a perfect red heifer that was being raised at an unidentified location in the United States. A report from Right Side News said a “qualified” red heifer has not been seen in Israel for nearly 2,000 years. Other headlines said there really is a red heifer today that could move the progress on the Third Temple forward!

Hot news at the time, but how could this heifer be used since it wasn’t born in Israel?

The Red Heifer Candidates

Numbers 19:2 – “Tell the people of Israel to bring you a young red female cow without fault or defect and which has never borne a yoke.”

According to The Temple Institute, on the 17th day of Elul, 5778 (August 28, 2018, on the Gregorian calendar), a red [adom H122 אָדֹם] heifer [parah H6510 פָּרָה] (Parah Aduma) was born in the land of Israel, foreshadowing the rebuilding of the Third Temple and the arrival of their long-awaited Mashiach (Messiah). At one week of age, the heifer underwent an extensive examination by rabbinical experts and had been certified by the Rabbis as meeting all of the scriptural requirements.

As of January 2019, two more female red heifers had been born, which might also qualify as the needed Para Aduma. On August 16th, a heifer was burned in exactly the manner that will enable the Jewish people to be purified in preparation for the dedication and building of the Third Temple. Two new red heifers were born in the early months of 2020 but have not been qualified to be the Para Aduma.

Boneh Israel (build Israel), an organization that connects Christian lovers of Israel to the Holy Land, stepped in to help. Led by Byron Stinson, a native Texan, Boneh Israel took out full-page ads in ranching magazines, explaining the situation to ranchers. They requested that any red calves be set aside. Several years ago, Byron Stinson, a devout Christian who became intensely interested in the Biblical commandment, began breeding cattle for this trait.

In July 2021, Rabbi Kupietzy said, “I really believe that the red heifer was born this year.” He explained that the current Hebrew year is 5781, which, in Hebrew numerology, is תשפא. “That is an acronym for תהיה שנה פרה אדומה (it will be the year of the red heifer).” Kupietzky also explained that the Talmud has a precedent for the red heifer being provided by a non-Jew, so he is working with Boneh Israel, a Christian organization. Efforts to locate a red heifer have even taken them to Texas: “The red heifer is not a korban, a sacrifice,” Kupietzky pointed out. “It is performed outside of the Temple and is considered a tekes, a ceremony. Which is why we are especially looking in Texas for the tekes,” he quipped. A team of rabbis from the Temple Institute flew out to inspect the calves in 2021.

On Thursday, September 15, 2022, five currently unblemished red heifers arrived in Israel from Texas. A small ceremony was held at the Ben Gurion airport cargo terminal. The heifers were greeted, and speeches were made by many who had made this historic and prophetic day become a reality. According to Orthodox Rabbis and leaders, these heifers, if they remain qualified, could be used to reinstate many of the Temple practices even before the Third Temple is rebuilt.


The five red heifers, which are currently less than one year old, must be examined again to determine whether one or more continues to possess the necessary requirements, according to Numbers 19:1-22 and the Mishna Tractate Parah. Other heifers have initially been found to be qualified but later became disqualified as they began to age.

The Significance of a Qualified Red Heifer

Numbers 19:4 – “Eleazar the cohen is to take some of its blood with his finger and sprinkle this blood toward the front of the tent of meeting seven times.”

In order for the priests to be ceremonially clean, they must be sprinkled with the blood of a red heifer. The anointing oil is available, and the precious blue and purple dyes have been manufactured. Only one requirement is still missing – the red heifer.

Without The Red Heifer, The Temple Can’t Be Rebuilt.

Bottom line: IF the current qualified red heifer is THE tenth Parah Aduma needed, then the building of the Third Temple must be accomplished within the next two years. The Temple must be sprinkled with the blood of the red heifer BEFORE the priest is declared cleansed. The priest who sprinkles the blood is ceremonially unclean until that evening (Numbers 19:7).

The absence of the Temple, in turn, means that the full redemption of Israel is impossible since, according to Ezekiel 36, only the sprinkling of the Red Heifer water allows for the complete change of heart and spirit (“then I shall sprinkle pure waters upon you, and you shall be clean, from all your uncleanness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. I will also give you a new heart, and I will place within you a new spirit” – Ezekiel 36:25-26; Jeremiah 31:33; Zechariah 8:8; Hebrews 8:10).


Current global events appear to be lining up with the prophecies written in the Bible. However, other red heifers have initially been found to be qualified but later became disqualified as they began to age. Will one of the five new red heifers be THE tenth, or will they, too, become disqualified as time goes on?

If… and I say, if… one of these red heifers turns out to be The tenth Parah Aduma, then the building of the Third Temple may be close at hand, even at the door. However, this will not usher in the arrival of the Jew’s long-awaited Mashiach (Messiah). Instead, it will usher in an unprecedented time of agony, bloodshed, disaster, pandemics, wars, and death, the likes of which this world has never seen. Yeshua says of this time: “For there will be great tribulation worse than there has ever been from the beginning of the world until now, and there will be nothing like it again!” (Matthew 24:21). The Third Temple will allow the false messiah, the antichrist, to enter into the Holy of Holies and declare himself to be God.

Scripture does not tell us how long this Temple will be in use before the Tribulation Period starts, but I doubt it will stand for long before Yeshua raises the dead and raptures his Bride! Now that is significant.

The state of Israel is a fact, and Jewish authorities are preparing to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. The appearance of the red heifers, the architectural plans, and the ability of the Jewish people to openly pray on the Temple Mount are all seen as prophetic implications that the time is ripe. All of the gold and silver utensils and the garments needed for Temple worship have either been recovered or re-manufactured. The Kohanim have been trained, and the necessary altar site has been identified. Only the lack of a qualified red heifer prevents the Third Temple from being built and cleansed.

Final Thought

Luke 21:28 – “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is near!”

We are always to be ready for Yeshua to return. Are you ready? If not, then get ready. Exercise whatever time you have to repent and trust Yeshua for your eternal salvation. Do not test Yahweh’s patience and wait too long – the dress rehearsals will not continue much longer. May Yom Teruah this year be fulfilled in the resurrection of the dead and the rapture of Yeshua’s Bride.

The great day of Yahweh is getting really near, even at the door. It hastens forth and will not delay. We do NOT set dates, but clearly, Yahweh is getting ready to change the course of human history once again. The signs are clear for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.


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