Ukraine: It’s What People Don’t See that Matters :: By Jonathan Brentner


The current war in Ukraine is not a battle between the good and bad guys; it has everything to do with the setting up of a one-world government. Both sides favor a New World Order, but are they fighting for the same vision?

Both Putin and Zelenskyy graduated from Klaus Schwab’s school for Young Global Leaders. Schwab, founder and head of the World Economic Forum (WEF), promotes what he calls the Great Reset, which is a Marxist reordering of the world’s economy under one government.

So how do we explain what’s happening in Ukraine? I believe the answer lies in what you will never hear in the mainstream media; it’s the unseen aspects of this war that truly matter.

The Battle for the New World Order

It’s clear that Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, remains committed to the Marxist Great Reset championed by his mentor, Klaus Schwab. Remember that a member of the Ukrainian parliament correctly stated that they were fighting for the New World Order.

President Biden, an outspoken supporter of Zelenskyy and Ukraine, recently voiced his strong allegiance to such world governance; though not a graduate of Schwab’s training, his administration is committed to the Great Reset.

Vladimir Putin was once a devotee of Klaus Schwab. Peter Koenig, a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), wrote this about Putin’s past relationship with Davos, the headquarters of the WEF:

President Putin, in his keynote address of the virtual “Davos” in 2021, boasted about his 30 years-old friendship with Klaus Schwab. Putin also attended Klaus Schwab’s academy for “Young Global Leaders” (YGL). [i]

Koenig’s article contains a link to Putin’s 2021 address as well as several pictures depicting the close relationship between Putin and Klaus Schwab, which seems to have ended.

Koenig also wrote this about the disappearance of Putin from the WEF website:

All references and photos referring to this fact disappeared from the internet. Putin’s name was erased from the WEF’s website. The WEF, alias Klaus Schwab, does not want the world to believe that he is associated with Putin. Obviously, such a relation doesn’t usually disappear overnight. It’s just no longer readily visible to the world at large. [ii]

Confirmation of the rift between Putin and Klaus Schwab came to light on March 30, 2022, as Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov promoted a new and different World Order with China. Speaking ahead of meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Lavrov said this about Russia’s alliance with China, “We, together with you, and with our sympathizers, will move towards a multipolar, just, democratic world order.” [iii]

The struggle is far more than a conflict between Putin and Zelenskyy. Putin has joined forces with China and now opposes the Great Reset championed by Klaus Schwab and many other globalists in the West, such as those that control the Biden Administration.

Of course, Putin desires to annex parts of Ukraine in order to create a safe buffer between NATO and Russia, but he’s also battling for a New World Order in which Russia and China will have a much greater role than the globalists in the West desire. Ukraine has become the focal point in the battle for supremacy in world governance.

Despite what we hear from the WEF and from the Chinese Foreign minister, neither side offers anything that even vaguely resembles freedom. Both seek to enslave humanity under a Marxist totalitarian government.

God’s Sovereign Hand Over History

Another unseen force at work is God’s sovereignty. Satan can only do so much through his minions until God says the time is right for the globalists to finish setting up the kingdom over which the antichrist will briefly rule.

Putin possesses supersonic nuclear missiles that can destroy any city in the world. These rockets fly below the radar so that the targeted cities will have little to no warning whatsoever before complete annihilation. Despite his frightening arsenal, and it’s indeed over-the-top terrifying, President Putin cannot violate God’s sovereign control of history as He sets the stage for the coming Tribulation.

The Lord’s authority over history comforts me as I hear the threats of WWIII that have arisen as a result of the war in Ukraine. Nothing can happen apart from God’s appointed timing.

If the Lord’s future judgment on the world involves Putin’s nuclear missiles, the Russian president will fire them when God allows and not one second earlier.

The events in Ukraine, or anywhere else in our world, cannot spiral out of God’s control. There’s absolutely no possible circumstance that would cause God to exclaim, “I didn’t see that coming!” He loves to predict future events from ancient times so that He receives all the glory due His name when His words prove true (Isaiah 46:8-13).

What the Luciferian elite of our world fail to recognize is that in the end, God’s purposes will prevail as foretold on the pages of Scripture. We also find this blessed assurance in Proverbs 21:30, “No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel can avail against the Lord.”

The Restraining Force of the Holy Spirit

Another aspect of God’s sovereignty is the unseen restraining work of the Holy Spirit. In 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8, Paul reminds his recent converts regarding what he had already told them concerning the antichrist, the man of lawlessness, and the work of the restrainer:

“And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.”

The powerbrokers of this world cannot reveal their leader until the Lord removes the restraining force of the Holy Spirit, which happens at the time of the Rapture (2 Thessalonians 2:1-11). They only imagine that they possess some degree of control. Despite the rhetoric, it’s reassuring to know that God is restraining both Putin and Biden (or those who control him).

The Luciferians are making great strides in preparing the world for the reign of the antichrist, but they cannot get past the restraining work of the Holy Spirit! After we go up to meet Jesus in the air, they will have more freedom.

The Hook in the Mouth of Gog

A variety of sources report that during its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has lost many soldiers and officers along with many tanks, helicopters, and airplanes. On the other side, however, it would seem that the Great Reset devotees have also not accomplished their objective in weakening Putin or minimizing his terrifying arsenal of weapons.

With the losses in Ukraine, one might expect that Russia would refrain from any military action in the future.

The Bible, however, tells us that God will put a “hook” in the jaw of Gog, whom many believe may very well be Putin, or perhaps his successor (Ezekiel 38:3-4). The prophet Ezekiel tells us that this alliance, led by Russia, Iran, and Turkey, will invade Israel in the future as a result of the Lord’s leading (Ezekiel 38-39).

According to the prophet Ezekiel, this coalition will suffer a devastating defeat (38:17-23; 39:1-6). Once that happens, Russia and the other nations aligned with them will no longer possess any ability to resist the Marxist New World Order envisioned by Schwab and the WEF.

Prayer is an Effective Weapon

Until the Lord calls us home, prayer will remain an effective weapon in battling Satan’s agenda in our world.

The people of Ukraine need our prayers. The war has caused much suffering and incredible loss for them. This tragedy has impacted many believers, pastors, and missionaries who need our intercession for them. Pray also for the Jewish people as many of them seek refuge in the nation of Israel.

As we contemplate the news coming out of Ukraine, it helps to remember what Jesus said about the character of Satan; our adversary murders, lies, steals, and destroys (John 8:44; 10:10). We see all these characteristics at work in this war. We live in an age of intense deception.

The Ukrainians are caught in the middle of an epic power struggle in which the Luciferian globalists hope will lead to a deadly war between the United States and Russia. As I write, these elite powerbrokers are doing all they can to provoke this potentially nuclear conflict in hopes that it will enable them to set up their New World Order in the chaos that follows it.

The Good News

The good news is that the Lord will come for us before the start of the Tribulation and the appearance of the antichrist upon the world scene. All of those in Christ will miss all of the wrath of the day of the Lord (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11); this is the assurance of biblical prophecy

Regardless of what happens during the rest of 2022 with wars, supply chain issues, and food shortages, we can be absolutely certain of three things:

  1. The Lord’s purposes will prevail over all the evil and deadly plans of the Luciferian elite for the world.
  2. Jesus is coming for His church in the very near future, perhaps today!
  3. After the Tribulation, Jesus will rule for a thousand years over the nations of the world and, after that, forevermore in the glorious eternal state.

Jesus will set up a world kingdom in righteousness and justice. He will rule the world forevermore. Yep, you will not hear that on CNN or anywhere else in the lying mainstream media!!

Maranatha! Come soon, Lord Jesus!

My new book, The Triumph of the Redeemed-An eternal Perspective that Calms Our Fears in Perilous Times, is now available on Amazon. I wrote this book to give believers hope amid the violence, deception, and wickedness that confronts us each and every day.

Jonathan C. Brentner

Website: Our Journey Home

[i] Peter Koenig, Ukraine-Russia and the World Economic Forum (WEF). A Planned Milestone Towards “The Great Reset”? March 28, 2022, @

[ii] Ibid.

[iii] Daniel Greenfield, Russia Proposes ‘New World Order’ With China, March 31, 2022, @

This same story and quote appeared on other sites as well.

The post Ukraine: It’s What People Don’t See that Matters :: By Jonathan Brentner appeared first on Rapture Ready.

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