A Biblical View of the End Times: Study Series :: By Steve Schmutzer


Unlike all the articles about Biblical prophecy and Christian living I’ve written over the years, this is a bit of a personal communication. I’m going to encourage you to do something.

I want you to be part of this very important 52-week study series in northern Colorado starting April 3rd on “A Biblical View of the End Times.” There is more info in the accompanying graphic you see here.

Please – – forward this to others of your network that live within the northern Colorado region. Invite them to come too. That is important. Chances are good we will be recording the series and making it available online. Stay tuned on that.

How did this all come about? It was about ten years ago that I sat down with a friend for a frank discussion about several end times matters. I was dismayed to learn he no longer believed in some of the most basic prophetic teachings in God’s Word. He’d changed. His views had become warped by errant doctrines sweeping the church then – and now!

At that time, I found I could not properly defend the things my heart believed – the things I KNEW the Bible taught. I went home, burdened by his apostasies and my own inadequacies.

Fast forward from then to now. I have become deeply invested into learning all I can about Biblical prophecy. It has become a serious passion of mine. I’ve written numerous articles on these issues, and I’ve taught them in depth. Along the way, I’ve been privileged to develop solid relationships with some renowned scholars in this field of study.

For 14 years, I have faithfully taught a large class at the church I attend. It started with roughly 15 people. It grew very well, and at its peak, it had around 130 people registered. A few weeks ago, I concluded a very lengthy study in the book of Daniel with that class, and we all collectively discussed next steps.

I shared with the class my concern that the church is so underfed and unaware when it comes to Biblical prophecy – yet these important themes constitute more than one quarter of God’s Word. I explained my vision to develop a year-long study series which comprehensively addresses the full range of issues pertaining to Biblical prophecy. I was humbled to receive strong excitement and support from my class.

That brings me to the information you see here in this post. There’s been a lot of work getting things to this point – and there have been the natural delays which always accompany every great endeavor. I’m grateful to those who have assisted me and who will continue to be an active part of this vision moving forward.

When it comes to the study of Biblical prophecy, one needs to properly understand the relevant themes and doctrines which wind their way through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. To do this, one must first embrace a sound approach to Biblical interpretation. When this is done, truth becomes clear – in the same way that confusion takes root when one mishandles Scripture. When a responsible approach to studying God’s Word is adhered to, the Bible affirms itself over and over.

God’s Word reinforces that one cannot responsibly emphasize the full person and work of Jesus Christ by just focusing on His First Coming. Far too many churches do this today. But – for every prophecy in the Old Testament about Jesus Christ’s First Coming, there are eight about His Second Coming. Christ’s return also comprises one of every five verses in the New Testament.

If we dilute, discount, or dismiss the prophetic issues surrounding Christ’s Second Coming, then we’ve not really embraced the complete ‘testimony of Jesus’ (Rev. 19:10). We’re missing a large chunk of vital Biblical content that’s been put there for our benefit.

Many people today have questions about rapidly unfolding events taking place on the world stage. They see the chaos. They feel and fear the changes taking place. A lot of folks are unsure what to believe, and they imagine things that are not true. Just look at all the input and feedback on prophetic matters that you can find online. It’s a veritable mosh-pit of opinions.

The Bible – properly studied – has the answers. It explains what’s happening now and where it’s all going. That’s what this important lesson series is all about.

I wish to conclude by repeating my personal invitation to you. I WANT you to be part of this! I will go so far as to tell you that you need to be! These are very pivotal times we live in; it’s a matter of our own well-being to understand them as God’s Word declares them to us.

All this said – I am not suggesting you leave whatever fellowship you are part of to attend this series. I am hopeful that you can find a way to be part of both.

OK – enough said. Please help us get the word out there about this class series. Again, I encourage you to forward this post to others, and let them know what’s coming.

Thank you for letting me share.


The post A Biblical View of the End Times: Study Series :: By Steve Schmutzer appeared first on Rapture Ready.

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