Pakistan Missionary Opportunity :: By Terry James

I’m thankful to be able to offer Rapture Ready Family members another opportunity to participate in a missionary effort.

A long-time pastor friend in Pakistan, Pastor Anil Jasper, is using my Sunday School quarterly-size book Prophecy Power: Strength From God To Face Your Future to reach pastors and teachers in his region of the world with prophetic Truth — the preTrib view.

Some time ago, we appealed for funds to publish and disseminate that little book, which Brother Anil personally translated into the language of his area. Many generously did so, and Anil faithfully distributed the books. He reports good results, as many people are now learning Truth about how near we are to Christ’s call in the Rapture.

The book, of course, contains at its heart the soul-Saving Message of the Gospel. So we believe many have come to Christ as a result of the first effort with Prophecy Power.

We again need funds to send to the Pakistani printer in order to print copies so Pastor Anil can move forward in an even more vigorous effort.

Please consider joining in helping fund the reprinting of Prophecy Power.

My heart is to get God’s Word on the lateness of this fleeting age to those in Pakistan who otherwise won’t hear in their own language about Jesus’ Promise to come for them –perhaps very soon.

Thanks for considering the request.

I have no way of receiving credit card orders for this. So, I request checks be sent.

I remind that I am not a 501-3C tax designation.

Thanks so much, and Lord’s Blessings,


Please make checks payable to Terry James.

Please send donations to:

Terry James-Prophecy Power
P.O. Box 969
Benton, AR 72018

The post Pakistan Missionary Opportunity :: By Terry James appeared first on Rapture Ready.

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