God’s Open Door — a Missionary’s Testimony
A few years ago, we had an exciting opportunity to help a church planter and his team hold open-air meetings in Posadas, Argentina. Efforts to get to know the community and work with local children were underway, but they had no church building. However, one woman who was a few months pregnant offered her front yard for our meetings. We set up chairs on the road, preached the gospel, and prayed for people for three nights.
Over the weekend, a few people came to Christ, including the woman who let us use her property for the outreach. Until then, we didn’t realize she had been on the verge of suicide; however, when she surrendered her life to Jesus, He transformed her into a person overflowing with joy! God miraculously saved two lives that day — a few months later, the woman gave birth to a baby girl.
After that small outreach, the church planter secured a plot of land nearby. Today, he pastors a growing Assemblies of God church there. When we returned to Posadas to minister to that congregation, both the pastor and the woman who had received Christ at the crusade greeted us. She was holding the hand of her beautiful 3-year-old daughter, Brittany, having named her after the missionary who ministered the weekend she got saved. We were delighted to see her growing in the Lord and still full of His joy!
Matthew 4:16 (NKJV) says, “The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned.” That woman was sitting in darkness, much like those Jesus originally preached to. When we preached the gospel, He brought her from the shadow of death into His glorious kingdom!
We love preaching the gospel in the open air. For years, the Lord has used this evangelism method to save people throughout Argentina, confirming the Word through healings, signs, and wonders. This illustrates that when His people are willing to go and proclaim the good news, God honors and multiplies those efforts. He is waiting for the Church to shine His light on millions around the world who sit in darkness and hopelessness, just like that woman and her daughter.
This article originally appeared in Worldview magazine. Used with permission.
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