Harvard Physicist Avi Loeb Says He’s Recovered The First-Ever ‘Alien Objects’ Made From Materials Originating In Outer Space
Alien-hunting Harvard physicist Professor Avi Loeb said early analysis of metal fragments his team recovered from the Pacific Ocean in June suggests they came from interstellar space.
Harvard physicist Avi Loeb has recovered over 700 metallic spheres that, when analyzed, are not composed of any metallic materials known to exist on the Earth. Loeb says that these round balls from the first-ever tangible proof of something that was intentionally created outside of our solar system. What is he actually saying? That these little metal balls were created by space aliens who have technology. Is he right? It’s a little too soon to know that but, so far, he’s absolutely on the right track.
“And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the alien shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers.” Isaiah 61:5 (KJB)
For some time, we here at NTEB have told you that it is highly likely we will see evidence of aliens if not the aliens themselves before we are removed in the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church. As Bible believers, we know that aliens and little green men do not exist but are actually the fallen angels that Jude says ‘kept not their first estate’.
FROM THE DAILY MAIL UK: Scientists claim they have recovered material that originated outside our solar system for the first time in history. The 700 or so tiny metallic spheres analyzed contain alloys that do not match any existing alloys in our solar system. The findings do not yet answer whether the spheres are artificial or natural in origin – which Loeb says is the next question his research aims to answer.
‘This is a historic discovery because it represents the first time that humans put their hand on materials from a large object that arrived to Earth from outside the solar system, Loeb wrote Tuesday on Medium.
The remnants came from a meteor-like object that crashed off the coast of Papua New Guinea in 2014, which Loeb is not ruling out could have been fragments of an alien craft. He and a team spent two weeks in June trawling the seafloor in hopes of recovering evidence to hold up his theory.
‘The success of the expedition illustrates the value of taking risks in science despite all odds as an opportunity for discovering new knowledge,’ Loeb wrote on Medium.
He told DailyMail.com that future research would answer whether the fragments are natural or fashioned by otherworldly beings.
‘For now, we wanted to check whether the materials are from outside the solar system,’ Loeb said.
The 2014 meteor-like object, named IM1 crashed into the ocean in 2014, but it was only detected by Professor Loeb and Harvard researcher Amir Siraj in a retrospective analysis. The Harvard scientists spent years working closely with the US military to pinpoint the impact zone near Papua New Guinea, combing through data to determine if and when the object fell from space.
This past June, Loeb and his team traveled to a site where the meteor IM1 was believed to have crashed nearly a decade ago.
IM1 withstood four times the pressure that would typically destroy an ordinary iron-metal meteor — as it hurtled through Earth’s atmosphere at 100,215 miles per hour. Iron is already the principal ingredient in the toughest known kinds of natural meteors, so the Harvard duo has theorized that there must be something highly unusual about how the object came to be made.
And now a battery of tests on the recovered IM1 fragments, conducted at Berkeley, has proven that their chemical make-up is almost entirely iron: strong evidence in favor of the Harvard team’s most controversial theories about the object. READ MORE
ALIENS in the OCEAN?! Harvard Astronomer Obtains EVIDENCE of Interstellar Objects in Earth Waters
Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave interview Avi Loeb, a professor of science at Harvard University, about looking for alien objects in the ocean.
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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)
“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB
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