Choosing to Be an Abomination Unto God :: By Daymond Duck

On Apr. 17, 2023, Benny Johnson (Turning Point USA) released a short clip of an interview he did with Fla. Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Johnson asked DeSantis about men taking the role of women.

DeSantis said:

  • The ideology is a total fraud.
  • I think there is the issue of are we going to be a society based on truth? Or are we going to be a society based on deceit?
  • If you take a man and they dress up as a woman, and you tell me I have to accept that they’re a woman, then you’re asking me to be complicit in a lie, and I just refuse to do that.
  • So, we’ve got to tell the truth, you know, I think the truth will set you free, and let’s just be honest about what’s going on here.

The Book of Proverbs says, “These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him” (Prov. 6:16-19).

  • “A proud look,
  • A lying tongue,
  • Hands that shed innocent blood,
  • An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,
  • Feet that be swift in running to mischief,
  • A false witness that speaketh lies,
  • And he that soweth discord among brethren.”

God is a God of truth (Psa. 31:5).

Jesus is truth (Jn. 14:6).

Satan is the father of lies (Jn. 8:44).

A nation that chooses to abandon the truth and become a nation of fraud, lies, and deceit is also choosing to become a nation that is an abomination unto God.

A nation founded on the Scriptures cannot choose to abandon God and follow Satan and get away with it forever.

God will call for repentance by allowing hardship to come upon that nation, but a lack of repentance will ultimately stir the wrath of God.

Here are some recent events that seem to indicate that the Rapture and Tribulation Period are close.

One, concerning abandonment of the truth, deceit, and persecution: a street preacher that heads a group called Warriors for Christ expressed his concerns on social media three times about a church in Oklahoma that was endorsing same-sex marriage, drag queen shows in front of children, and more.

When one of the gay church members told the local city council some of the things the street preacher was saying were not true, the street preacher produced photos and video clips to verify what he was posting.

The church petitioned the county court for a restraining order to silence the preacher, and the court threatened to arrest him and jail him (for up to 5 years) if he posted any more Bible verses on social media that condemn homosexuality.

The Rutherford Institute is appealing the court order on behalf of the preacher.

According to John Whitehead, head of the Rutherford Institute, this case is an effort to criminalize speech, thoughts, and actions that are not politically correct.

Two, concerning abandoning God and not getting away with it (making bad decisions): on Apr. 22, 2023, Germany shut down its three remaining nuclear power plants (producers of so-called dirty energy).

These three plants produced only about 6% of Germany’s power, but for a nation that was already experiencing major energy shortages, a 6% reduction makes a bad situation worse.

The idea that Germany could produce enough solar and wind power to meet her clean energy needs has turned out to be wishful thinking.

The destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline and sanctions against Russia have made Germany’s energy situation worse.

With insufficient energy, Germany’s economy is headed for big trouble, and her wound is mostly self-inflicted, but many people are going to suffer.

Three, concerning abandonment of the truth and choosing to follow lies: on Apr. 23, 2023, the Expose reported that data released by the Office of National Statistics in the UK shows that 92% of England’s Covid-19 deaths in 2022 were people that had been fully vaccinated (people that had received three or more jabs).

Four, concerning the coming false religion (Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth): on Apr. 19, 2023, it was reported that Bishop Manuel Sanchez Monge of Spain submitted an op-ed that was printed in a regional Spanish Newspaper.

Monge’s op-ed was titled “The 2030 Agenda and the New World Order.”

Here is some of what Monge said (in my words as I understand it):

  • The Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals are anti-Christian, and they are designed to change the religious beliefs of everyone on earth.
  • Globalists want to establish an unelected and undemocratic world government.
  • Globalists want to transfer the responsibility of raising and educating children from the parents to the government (parents will have no say).
  • Globalists want to determine what people should believe (about abortion, LGBTQ issues, secularism, the definition of tolerance and intolerance, etc.) and how people should live.
  • Agenda 2030 will create a new civilization with everyone living and believing the way the globalists tell them to live and believe.

(My opinion: The Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals became global laws on Jan. 1, 2016. The globalists that are pushing them are anti-Christ, anti-Bible, and anti-Israel. A person cannot reject Jesus, the Bible, Israel, etc., and be saved. The stage is being set for a one-world government, a one-world false religion, persecution, and the Mark of the Beast.)

Five, concerning church members departing from the faith in U.S. churches: on Apr. 24, 2023, it was reported that a 2020-2023 survey of 2,000 people who identify as born-again Christians found that only 44% believe that Jesus lived a sinless life.

The study was conducted by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University and was supervised by George Barna, a well-known pollster.

Six, concerning the tracking of all buying and selling: on Apr. 20, 2023, it was reported that two U.S. Senators (Sinema of Ariz. and Lummis of Wyoming) introduced a bill (Senate Bill 884) on Mar. 21, 2023, to create a digital identity for every U.S. citizen.

Eight days later (on Mar. 29, 2023), the bill cleared the proper Senate Committee and was passed on with a favorable recommendation.

A digital ID will allow everyone to be tracked.

It can be linked to one’s bank account, healthcare records, driver’s license, social security information, etc., and used to control them.

(FYI: Patrick Wood, editor of, reported that Sinema attended the 2022 Bilderberg meeting and the 2023 World Economic Forum meeting.)

(My opinion: The fact that a bill to track all buying and selling is pending in the U.S. Senate as you are reading this should help you understand the reality of Bible prophecy and the need to be ready for the Rapture.)

Seven, concerning corruption in the White House: on Apr. 19, 2023, it was reported that two members of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee (Greene of Geo. and Mace of So. Car.) said they have seen bank documents at the U.S. Treasury Dept. that contain “jaw-dropping” evidence of Biden family involvement in foreign business deals, human trafficking, and prostitution rings.

On Apr. 20, 2023, it was reported that Greene tweeted that she “reviewed more than 2,000 pages of financial records revealing a crime syndicate involving Biden’s family and countries such China, Russia, and Ukraine.”

Green said the Bidens established fake shell companies to receive money from foreign countries.

Concerning human trafficking and prostitution: this report said a Florida Grand Jury found that drug cartels are claiming and seizing children from Mexico and exposing them “to horrifying health conditions, constant criminal threat, labor and sex trafficking, robbery, rape, and other experiences.”

Based on the Grand Jury findings, the Fla. Attorney Gen. has sent a letter to the U.S. House and Senate requesting an investigation of the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security and the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services involvement in these crimes.

Eight, concerning world government: an international advocacy group of entertainers, politicians, corporate executives, and others (called Global Citizens Now) with billions of dollars in commitments meet each year to discuss ways to advance the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Some of the big names that will gather in New York on Apr. 27, 2023, include Canadian Prime Min. Trudeau, French Pres. Macron, EU Pres. Ursula von der Leyen, John Legend, Hugh Jackman, and others.

Other groups that plan to have people present are Verizon, Cisco, P&G, Ford, PepsiCo, and Rockefeller.

It has been reported that they will “combine major announcements on policy initiatives with discussions about immediate steps that can be taken on climate change, food insecurity, gender inequality, and other issues.”

Nine, concerning antisemitism in the U.S.: on Apr. 13, 2023, 14 Democrats urged Pres. Biden and Sec. of State Blinken to condition U.S. aid to Israel (money, weapons, equipment, etc.) on ending gross human rights violations.

When asked if they would support conditioning U.S. aid to the Palestinians on PA respect for Israel and Jewish civil rights, none of them responded.

Ten, concerning the coming economic collapse: on Apr. 26, 2023, Gary Bauer (Campaign for Working Families) reported that the interest on America’s national debt last year was $475 billion (about $1 billion, $300,000 per day).

Higher interest rates will make it worse this year, Biden wants to keep increasing our national debt, and he is refusing to negotiate with Republicans that want to try to avoid a collapse.

Finally, are you Rapture Ready?

If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.

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