BANISHMENT // ‘Ballads of the Revelation’


O Thou, by long experience tried
Near whom no grief can long abide
My love! how full of sweet content
I pass my years of banishment!
To me remains nor place nor time;
My country is in every clime;
I can be calm and free from care
On any shore, since God is there.

He was with me then, He is with me now
They can kill my body, but not my soul/love

Could I be cast where thou art not,
That were indeed a dreadful thought;
But regions none remote I call,
Secure of finding God in all.
My country, Lord, art Thou alone;
Nor other can I claim or own;
The place where all my yearnings meet;
My law, my love, my joy so sweet

He was with me then, He is with me now
They can kill my body, but not my soul/love

I cling to nothing here below;
Appoint my journey and I go;
Though pierced by scorn, oppressed by pride
Even now, always at my side
No violence done can hurtful prove
To souls on fire with heavenly love;
Though men and devils both condemn,
My fate does not belong to them.

He was with me then, He is with me now
They can kill my body, but not my soul/love

In everlasting love I rest
As when I laid upon His chest
All this pain is light and fleeting
If only I can hear His heart beating

He was with me then, He is with me now
They can kill my body, but not my soul/love

‘Banishment’ from FAI’s latest film, ‘Ballads of the Revelation’

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