November 15, 2021

Suhaila Khoury, principal of the Aboud Elementary School, went to her eternal reward from the Augusta Victoria Hospital on the Mount of Olives, November 15, 2021.

World Missions Director Dr. David M. Griffis and Assistant Director Dr. M. Thomas Propes extend their deepest sympathy in the loss of this fervent and effectual woman of God. 

Born on February 17, 1951, Suhaila was the eldest of 10 children in the village of Aboud. The Khoury Family (Khoury in Arabic means “Priest) has a long tradition of service in the Orthodox Church. Her ancestors were priests and Suhaila’s father, though a farmer, served as a clerk in the Aboud Church of God.

After Suhaila completed high school, she was recruited by Missionary Margaret Gaines as a teacher in the Aboud Elementary School. In 1993, she was appointed as headmistress of the school and under Suhaila’s leadership, the school continued to grow to over 100 students.

Regional Superintendent/Director of the Middle East/Lebanon/Jerusalem Ministry Center, Paul Schmidgall, states: “Suhaila will be greatly missed, but her legacy will be perpetuated by her capable assistants and staff.”

Suhaila’s funeral will take place in Aboud on November 16, 2021 at 2 pm.

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