ALL OUT WAR? The United States Sends Ground Troops To Middle East As Rapidly-Escalating Fight Between Israel And Hezbollah Threatens To Go Biblical


The U.S. is sending troops to the Middle East in response to the surge in violence between Israel and Hezbollah and as the region teeters on the edge of an all-out war. All the elements are in place right now for an all-out regional war in the Middle East, so much so that the United States is […]

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The U.S. is sending troops to the Middle East in response to the surge in violence between Israel and Hezbollah and as the region teeters on the edge of an all-out war.

All the elements are in place right now for an all-out regional war in the Middle East, so much so that the United States is ramping up its military presence in the Gulf as they announced thousands more troops are right now in transit. For it’s part, Israel is literally bombing the stuffing out of Hezbollah in Lebanon as Netanyahu posts video warning citizens of Lebanon to leave immediately from areas that contain rocket and missile launching pads of Hezbollah.

“And I will make thee unto this people a fenced brasen wall: and they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee: for I am with thee to save thee and to deliver thee, saith the LORD.” Jeremiah 15:20 (KJB)

Hezbollah has a reputed 100,000 trained terrorists in their army, and nearly 2,000 rockets and missiles in their arsenal, and they have long vowed to one day destroy Israel. Add to that their alliance with Syria and Iran, and all that together presents a formidable front. Yet strangely, even after intense attacks from the IDF and the IAF, terror leader Nasrallah has yet to issue the order for war with the Jews. What is holding them back? If they wait much longer, they won’t have very much left.

As for me and my house, Am Yisrael Chai all the way.

US announces it’s sending troops to the Middle East and warns Americans to leave Lebanon as Israel bombs Hezbollah

FROM THE DAILY MAIL UK: The Pentagon announced on Monday that ‘additional’ service members would be deployed to join the 40,000 already stationed in the region along with a dozen warships and fighter jet squadrons. Israeli forces have ramped up their airstrikes deep inside Lebanon and the State Department has warned all Americans to leave as the risk of conflict spirals to levels not seen in years.

Tensions have reached boiling point in the last seven days, and started to deteriorate when pagers and walkie talkies owned by members of Hezbollah exploded in a coordinated attack last week. Devastating airstrikes by the Israeli military on Monday killed at least 100 people and injured another 400 in Lebanon as IDF warplanes pummeled targets across the country.

Terrified residents in Beirut and elsewhere received calls and texts warning them to move away from Hezbollah targets, with Lebanon’s information minister condemning the alerts as a tactic of ‘psychological war implemented by the enemy’. Schools have been closed early during the heavy attacks that have sparked calls for international intervention.

At the Pentagon, Press Secretary Gen. Pat Ryder would not confirm how many troops would be deployed or where they are going.

‘In light of the increased tensions in the Middle East, and out of an abundance of caution, we are sending a small number of additional US military personnel forward to augment our forces that are already in the region,’ he said.

‘Due to the unpredictable nature of ongoing conflict between Hezbollah and Israel and recent explosions throughout Lebanon, including Beirut, the U.S. Embassy urges U.S. citizens to depart Lebanon while commercial options still remain available,’ the State Department cautioned Saturday.

The number of troops deployed to U.S. Central Command grew from 34,000 to 40,000 in the aftermath of Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel.  Navy warships are scattered across the region and anchored in the eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Oman.

The U.S. has a single air craft carrier strike group, which includes the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln, in the region, after another departed for the Asia Pacific region.  In addition, there are Navy destroyers in the Red Sea and six warships in the Eastern Mediterranean. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

The post ALL OUT WAR? The United States Sends Ground Troops To Middle East As Rapidly-Escalating Fight Between Israel And Hezbollah Threatens To Go Biblical appeared first on Now The End Begins.

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