Face to Face: Dr. Brown Responds to Rabbi Blumenthal


On August 20, 2024, Dr. Brown was joined in his studio in North Carolina by Rabbi Yisroel Blumenthal. This video represents the complete, unedited dialogue they had on that day. Since the year 2000, Dr. Brown has published more than 2,000 pages of material pointing to Jesus as Messiah and responding to Jewish objections to Jesus. Rabbi Blumenthal, for his part, has published several hundreds of pages of responses to Dr. Brown’s writings, and in this dialogue, Dr. Brown responds to many of the most important questions raised by Rabbi Blumenthal in his writings. Dr. Brown and Rabbi Blumenthal hope and pray that God’s truth will be advanced through their interaction.

For many of Dr. Brown’s relevant resources, go to: https://realmessiah.com/. See also his relevant books:

Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, vol. 1 – 5
Answering Jewish Objections To Jesus – Vol. 1

The Real Kosher Jesus: Revealing the Mysteries of the Hidden Messiah – https://store.thelineoffire.org/products/the-real-kosher-jesus?_pos=1&_sid=0a69806a3&_ss=r

Resurrection: Investigating a Rabbi from Brooklyn, a Preacher from Galilee, and the Event that Changed the World – https://store.thelineoffire.org/products/resurrection?_pos=1&_sid=cbc13eedc&_ss=r

For a full listing of Rabbi Blumenthal’s relevant responses, he has provided this detailed outline:

“On August 20 2024 I met with Dr. Brown for several hours. The context of the meeting was to discuss his responses to questions with which I had challenged his 5 volume series; “Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus.” These challenges can be found in “Contra Brown” (2007) – https://judaismresources.net/contra-brown/ , “The Elephant and the Suit” (2010) – https://judaismresources.net/the-elephant-and-the-suit/ and “Supplement to Contra Brown” (2011) – https://judaismresources.net/supplement-to-contra-brown/

Prior to the meeting I sent Dr. Brown a selection of questions from those 3 works and we agreed that the format of our meeting would primarily consist of me asking him the questions and his responses. We did try to stick to that format but naturally the discussion went beyond the planned format.

We ended up discussing 8 questions and we hope that you find the recording educational.
The following is a basic timeline of the questions as well as links to articles that I had written in the past on the subjects that came up in the discussion.”

Question #1 – The Totality of Scripture – 3 minute point
The Totality of Scripture – https://judaismresources.net/2015/05/10/the-totality-of-scripture/
1000 Verses – https://judaismresources.net/2010/08/31/1000-verses/
Response to Line of Fire 11 – https://judaismresources.net/2013/02/13/response-to-line-of-fire-11/

Question # 2 – Faith Structure – 22:08 minutes
The Context of Scripture – https://judaismresources.net/2010/09/06/the-context-of-scripture/
True Heirs – https://judaismresources.net/2024/08/29/true-heirs-excerpt-from-the-council-of-my-nation/

Question # 3 – Who Replaced the Sacrifices? – 47:13 – minutes
Leviticus 17:11 and the Book of Hebrews – https://judaismresources.net/2013/04/17/leviticus-1711-and-the-book-of-hebrews/
The Prophet’s Perspective – https://judaismresources.net/2013/04/04/the-prophets-perspective/

Question # 4 – Deuteronomy 30 – 1:46:55 – hours and minutes
Messiah – Letter and Spirit – https://judaismresources.net/2014/09/14/messiah-letter-and-spirit/
The Real Jewish Messiah – https://judaismresources.net/2021/02/24/messiah-excerpt-from-the-real-jewish-messiah-debate-part-3/

Question # 5 – Deuteronomy 4:35 – 1:59:30 – hours and minutes
Supplement to Responding to an Atheist – https://judaismresources.net/2012/11/07/supplement-to-responding-to-an-atheist/
Isaiah 2;22 – https://judaismresources.net/2011/05/26/isaiah-222/

Question # 6 – Bias – 3:09:47 – hours and minutes
Deeper Understanding – https://judaismresources.net/2019/06/12/deeper-understanding-excerpt-from-supplement-to-cb/
Shattering Myths – https://judaismresources.net/2014/09/23/shattering-myths/

Question # 7 Obedience and Self-Righteousness – 3:41:21 – hours and minutes
Lamp and Lights – https://judaismresources.net/2013/12/04/lamp-and-lights-proverbs-623/
Acts and Faith – https://judaismresources.net/2013/05/17/acts-and-faith/

Question # 8 The Ability of the Law to Transform – 3:44:20 – hours and minutes
Law and Grace – https://judaismresources.net/2012/02/16/exodus-21-law-and-grace/
Changed Lives – https://judaismresources.net/2015/03/19/changed-lives-a-letter-from-jim/

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