2 Sept 2024


COMING APART AT THE SEAMS Apostasy and Doctrines of Demons Harris and Walz call them ‘values,’ but they’re ‘doctrines of devils.’ killing unborn babies; cutting up adolescents to alter their sex; open borders followed by giveaways, free stuff, and murders by illegal aliens; giving Afghanistan billions of dollars’ of military hardware paid for by Americans; […]

The post 2 Sept 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.


Apostasy and Doctrines of Demons

Harris and Walz call them ‘values,’ but they’re ‘doctrines of devils.’ killing unborn babies; cutting up adolescents to alter their sex; open borders followed by giveaways, free stuff, and murders by illegal aliens; giving Afghanistan billions of dollars’ of military hardware paid for by Americans; creating the highest inflation rate in decades; exorbitant cost of food, fuel, and housing; not to mention their lies.

Authorities investigate woman’s death at Burning Man Festival, a yearly drug-infested music and art festival in Nevada. This pagan festival includes an orgy dome.

Hatred of Christianity

Idaho Army National Guard officer removed from his position after voicing his Christian beliefs. Liberty Counsel has filed a complaint, demanding his position be restored.

Insidious Islam

Hamas in the heartland: Indiana mosque’s leadership fuels Islamic terrorism while media and politicians look away. An Imam whose sermon praised Hamas leader Haniyeh as a “martyred mujahid” should send shockwaves across the nation.

Michigan: Army of ‘30,000 Muslims’ march through Dearborn led by radical Imam, revealing unchecked spread of Sharia, alarming alliance between authorities and radical elements, and growing threat of Islamic supremacism, all under guise of a so-called ‘peace’ rally on American soil.

Graphic warning: ISIS Muslims turn Russian prison into jihad zone, killing/torturing guards and inmates’ for the sake of Allah and to establish Islamic law.’ Armed with knives and makeshift explosives, they took several prison staff hostage. The prisoners slashed a guard’s throat, cut another’s stomach open, etc. Slitting throats aligns with Quran verses. Example: Quran 8:12: “…cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike upon the necks…”

ISIS-inspired Syrian commits triple-murder at ‘Festival of Diversity’ in Germany. 8 others were injured. Also see ‘Germany No Longer Safe’: Police Union Chairman Warns’ Greatest Danger Is from Islamists.’ Leftist open-border policies have unleashed a wave of Islamic violence.

Hamas leader calls for suicide attacks in Judea and Samaria.

Taliban government in Afghanistan issues public ban on women’s voices and bare faces. Be covered from head to toe in public, and don’t speak. Sharia Law, anyone?

Pervasive Perversion

Chicago schools’ sex ed teaches elementary kids about gender identity & puberty blockers. As soon as kindergarten: human anatomy; first-grade: “gender identity”; by fifth grade: intro to puberty blockers.

Christian whistleblower nurse fired from Texas Children’s Hospital says it’s a spiritual conflict. She exposed alleged Medicaid fraud related to transgender procedures for minors at the Houston hospital.

Cornell University offers ecological justice course on feminist, queer, & trans perspectives. Other courses are offered from an LGBTQ+ perspective, such as “Queer Classics.”

August 2024’s Fetish Con in St. Petersburg, Florida. Someone from Daily Wire attended to report what goes on after seeing strange sights on the streets and found they were heading to Fetish Con. “Weird” didn’t do it justice. You’ll want to laugh but won’t be able to. You’ll be too busy worrying about your children, schools, our country, the consequences of the internet, and life as we know it. Satanic imagery was scattered throughout the halls, adding an unsettling layer to an already bizarre atmosphere. After seeing more than they could stomach, the Daily Wire attendee and friend made their way to the exits where they were handed a pamphlet promoting a production company with the title, “Have You Accepted Satan As Your Lord and Personal Savior?”

Canada: Pastor convicted of ‘criminal harassment’ after opposing drag queen story hours for children at a city library.

Gillette Intimate ad is extremely inappropriate. The commercial “Respect Your Junk,” “Respect Your Pubic Region,” is entirely too specific and graphic for TV. We’re told that the ad has even aired on a children’s network. Can you imagine what goes through a child’s mind when viewing this ad?

And the Dem Abortion Abomination

At the Democrat Convention, nationwide access to abortion transcended every other issue. This ongoing obsession with destroying human life foreshadows dark and difficult times to come.

Pro-Life pregnancy center vandalized after Democrat Convention.

Iniquity Shall Abound

Sex offender Ronald Syrvud, who threatened to kill Trump at Arizona rally, taken into custody.

3 adults stabbed during Notting Hill carnival as UK records rise in knife attacks. 15 officers were assaulted as the gathering turned violent. 90 arrests were made on various charges. The latest figures show knife-related offenses in England and Wales rose to 49,489 in 2023, up from 46,153 in 2022. In recent attacks, children have been targeted. A few weeks after the Southport stabbing (in which 3 children died), which began mass riots across the nation, an 11-year-old shopping with her mother was grabbed by a Romanian man and stabbed 8 times; she required plastic surgery.

Gunmen killed at least 37 people in 3 separate attacks in Pakistan. Baluchistan has been the scene of a long-running insurgency with an array of separatist groups staging attacks.

Last Days Traitors and Their Treachery

Crazy Nancy Pelosi compares defeating Trump to America going to war against British & Confederacy. She outright alludes to political violence. She said, “We have to defeat a person who was a threat to our democracy of the kind that we have not seen. At the beginning of our country, Thomas Paine said that times have found us, declare war, establish a new nation.” Hateful rhetoric like this already inspired an assassination attempt against Trump. And when Pelosi made these comments, Arizona law enforcement was already engaged in a manhunt for another who made threats to kill Trump.

And Their Pitting of Nation (Ethnic) Against Nation (Ethnic)

UCLA medical school hired students to write curriculum with liberal ideas such as critical race theory.

Deliberate Border Disorder and Its Consequences

Twenty illegal aliens attempted to enter a California school bus as it was picking up students. This is the second time something like this has happened in this school district.

Video: Open borders have turned German women into prey on public transport (warning for America), (video) as open borders policy turn everyday journeys in Berlin into nightmares.

Orwellian Society

Zuckerberg admits Biden admin. pressured Facebook to ‘censor’ Covid and Hunter Biden content. He claimed in a letter to the House Judiciary Committee that he regrets caving to government pressure.

Free speech is in trouble on both sides of the Atlantic. In June, the US Supreme Court reversed a lower court’s decision that barred the government and its agencies from coordinating with social media to censor/suppress views that don’t follow their narrative. Also see Labour Party decides to create fear. Keir Starmer, in a few months, has managed to divide and destroy the United Kingdom. Hardworking, high-tax-paying citizens fear that anything they might think, do, or say could end in a jail term.

Plague, Pestilence, and Planned-demics

Massachusetts: Voluntary lockdowns to combat deadly mosquito-borne disease after a case occurred. [More fear-mongering]: A human case of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) occurred, the first since 2019-20. According to the article, there’s no treatment, about half of those infected died, survivors are often permanently disabled, and few recover completely. EEE is a very rare disease. Since first identified in Massachusetts in 1938, less than 100 cases have occurred. Outbreaks usually occur there every 10-20 years, typically lasting 2-3 years. In 2019: 12 cases, 6 fatalities. In 2020: 5 cases, one fatality.

Also see Lockdowns in 4 Massachusetts towns over ‘extremely rare’ virus after single infection. So-called “voluntary” lockdowns after 5-6 pm, at least until winter’s onset. “Voluntary” means if you want to use public land, you must sign a waiver and provide insurance proof to Public Health overseers.

Media Ramps Up Fear For 3 Frightening Diseases. Why suddenly so many news stories about deadly diseases? We’re two months away from November, a perfect time to alarm the public of a coming health crisis, right? But this time, it’s three. When people fear they might die from an extremely deadly outbreak, they’re far more likely to accept measures they’d not usually consider in normal times.

Parents fight back with rising use of religious vaccine exemptions for their children.

Germany: Covid deception induced fear in children for political gain. The Interior Ministry made children fear that unless they complied with regulations, they’d be responsible for grandparents’ deaths.

Economic and Food Insecurity

Socialist uprising: Chicago plans to launch city-run grocery stores as chains such as Aldi, Walmart, and Whole Foods fled due to an increase in theft. HR&A Advisors said the city could establish a 3-store network to fill the food desert for $26.7 million in upfront investment. Government-owned grocery stores. What could possibly go wrong?

Goodwill shutters two Seattle stores amid escalating crime, safety concerns, & rising operational costs. The closures are part of a broader retailers’ exodus from Seattle where rising crime, safety concerns, and high rents have forced many businesses to reconsider their operations. Seattle’s crime rates have contributed to Washington State’s ranking as the most dangerous state to live in for 2024. The city’s police dept continues to face staffing shortages (lowest number of officers since 1950s). As more businesses close, there’s growing concern that Seattle could face a decline similar to San Francisco.

Two-thirds of Americans now believe the American dream is unattainable, a searing indictment of a system coming apart at the seams.

Weather Events

Arizona: Severe flash flood in Grand Canyon National Park; one person killed; extensive damage.

Alaska: Emergency declared in Ketchikan; landslide damages homes; one person killed, 3 injured. The landslide was due to heavy rains. Evacuations were ordered due to fear of a second landslide.

Italy: Two missing after severe flash floods in Talanico. Heavy rains have affected parts of central Italy since Aug. 26.

Sudan: Heavy rains collapsed Dam; dozens killed. 70 villages were affected, 20 of which were destroyed. 50,000 homes and 70 schools were destroyed or damaged; 10,000 livestock are missing.

Guinea: Severe floods in Conakry claimed 2 lives, left 1 missing, and caused substantial damage.

Japan: Typhoon Shanshan turns deadly, brings 30 inches of rain with severe flooding. At least four people have died. The former typhoon is moving slowly, bringing much rain, triggering landslides, and unleashing tornadoes. Flooding rain will continue through Sept. 2 due to the storm’s slow trek.

Cyclonic Storm “Asna” forms in Arabian Sea; Gujarat reports 32 dead, over 32,000 evacuated. The Saurashtra-Kachchh region of Gujarat has been severely impacted by heavy rains since Aug. 25, which intensified into Cyclonic Storm “Asna” on Aug. 30.

Yemen: Floods & landslides killed 33 as of Aug. 29 in Al-Mahwit Province, bringing death toll to 119 since start of the Kharif rainy season.

Brazil: São Paulo wildfires shatter records; 1,886 hotspots in one day. Amazon region: 1,669. Brazil total: 4,928 hotspots. Two firefighters died. 30 cities are on high alert for major fires, with active outbreaks; they’re vulnerable due to low humidity and a heatwave exacerbated by gusty winds.

China: 11 dead, 14 missing as torrential rains strike Liaoning. Floods damaged or destroyed 187 bridges.

Thailand: Large landslide hits Phuket, severely damaging 200 homes, killing at least 13 following heavy rains. Nine villages were declared disaster zones.

Bangladesh: 20 dead, 5 million affected by floods due to relentless monsoon rains & overflowing rivers.

Wars and Rumors of Wars

Russia launched massive air strike on Ukraine’s energy facilities; power/water outages all over.

Israeli soldiers rescue Israeli Muslim Hostage from Gaza. He’d been held alone in a tunnel. An Israeli spokesman said, “Each of our… remaining hostages are dear to us, no matter what their religion…. Our Declaration [of Independence]… makes clear… [we are] always living in peace with the people that live here.” There are still 108 hostages in Gaza, at least half thought to be alive.

Hezbollah ready to launch massive Oct. 7-style attack on Israel following 10 years of planning. The terrorists showed footage of their tunnel network stretching for miles that can be used to launch missiles. The “sheer volume” of weapons in Hezbollah’s arsenal makes it a formidable threat, plus a military force of 50,000 and up to 5,000 elite troops.

Did Israel’s massive pre-emptive strike delay all-out apocalyptic war coming to the Middle East? On Aug. 25, Hezbollah was preparing to fire an enormous number of rockets deep inside Israel (in response to Fuad Shukr’s assassination). Israel found out and launched a massive pre-emptive strike, destroying thousands of rocket launchers in southern Lebanon, including those intended for the main Israeli military intelligence base near Tel Aviv. 210 rockets and 20 drones were launched at Israel by Hezbollah. The largest damage Hezbollah managed to do was to dozens of buildings/homes in Acre and a chicken coop.

Concluding Scripture

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah” (Psalm 46:1-3).


The post 2 Sept 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.

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