Are You Uppity Or Useful? :: By Jim Towers

Well, it’s Saturday again, and I’m fixin’ to go to church once again. As usual, “I was glad when they said, let us go the house of God.” Forty-five years and counting. My, how time flies, especially as you get older and your friends and neighbors are dropping like flies. I live in a high falootin’ city with gated communities all over the place and golf courses everywhere.

I was driving through this place over twelve years ago and fell in love with it – especially all the cultural stuff, flowers, and such.

The church I attend is a Presbyterian one where most everyone has a degree or a pedigree and plenty of money. Most of them are uppity, and if they knew I sometimes mingle with the downtrodden and orphans, they wouldn’t touch me with a ten-foot pole. They hardly speak to me as it is, especially since the photo of me with Solo and Lolo appeared on Rapture Ready.

It may have been a mistake for me to have had it on, giving the folks the wrong impression of my character.

Such appears to be the case with one of my readers who just happens to live here too. Mrs. M. wrote to ask me where I worshiped, and I extolled my chosen church where the pastors are a class act. We agreed to meet up in the near future, and the near future has arrived, but – she seems to have forgotten our agreement. I’m beginning to think it was because of the photo I had taken of Solo, Lolo, and me. Showing my true nature – but you can rest assured that I mix well and have had dalliances with the rich, educated, and powerful. In fact, D.J. Trump was writing me every day to get my thoughts on this and that and even e-vited me to his place at Mar-a-Lago, which I summarily declined (my calendar being full these days). Funny thing is, he was always asking for a few bucks, and this man uses a gold-plated throne in his throne room.

I can hold my own with intellectuals and, in fact, love a good conversation with people with opposing views. Still, though, I’ve noticed that I seldom have takers. One look at me, and they turn the other way. It’s like they never saw anyone so confident and straight-backed as I am. But that’s just the way my pa taught me to be.

When he thought his “friends” were pulling his leg, he would say, “Don’t be a horse’s behind.”

I, too, don’t suffer fools and am not easily fooled by anyone. (It’s called the spirit of discernment.) However, I do forgive an uneducated or uninformed man of their folly, as with Solo and Lolo, knowing that Satan has them bound to his ways. With these, we must be patient but persistent in helping them find their way to Christ Jesus. Like our Savior, we shouldn’t quench the smallest hope they might have that someone cares about their eternal fate. That is why I try to walk in other people’s shoes, as it were, pertaining to salvation.

I know it seems odd to see someone embracing another in a public place while praying for them (God forbid), but the way I understand scripture is that we Christians should do just that.

Knowing that people everywhere are hurting and grieving, I can often be found acting a fool just to share my joy with them.

Being trained in the theatrical arts, I know just about every song from Broadway plays and often wake up singing them. For example, this morning, I woke up singing “76 Trombones” from the musical “Music Man.” Yesterday it was “Oh What a Beautiful Mornin’” from “Oklahoma” – Oh what a beautiful mornin,’ oh what a beautiful day – I’ve got a wonderful feelin’ – everythin’s going my way – Oh what a beautiful day!

Yesterday, while visiting my healthcare provider, I burst out in song in the examination room to her delight and the delight of an assistant nurse. I’ve been boning up on my Spanish and a couple of well-known Spanish folk songs, and knowing that my doctor was originally from Cuba, I burst out with – “You sou un homre sincero – de onde crese la palma, you soy u hombre sincero de onde crese la palma – Gantanamera, guajida – Guantanamera – Guantanamera – guajida Guantananamera!

The doctor and her assistant were amazed that I knew the old folk song and joined in, humming. Singing is contagious and uplifting. In fact, King David wrote many songs and played the harp as well and did so in between wielding a sword in his many battles with Hebrew enemies.

Life is short, so why not use every waking moment to reach out to others, especially family and friends.

In my theatrical training, I learned to enjoy singing on stage in public and am even considering doing so as a portion of my plea to help redeem America – one way or another. Nothing else seems to have worked out for my “Evangelistic Plans.” Maybe music will do the trick.

Because nearly everyone loves music, I think it would be a way to draw crowds and share the gospel with them. What do you think?

I’m running out of ideas as the Epoch draws to a close, and we may not get another chance to rescue America. All will be lost.

The Godless and radical left is doing all they can to win this war of the minds. So, let’s hold strong, singing “Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus – going on before.


Jim Towers

You can write me at [email protected] or visit me at My book, Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power, can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website,, which now features videos of worldwide events taking place in the present time, as well as proof of God’s existence and the reality of Biblical places and Moses himself.

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