Far Beyond Awesome :: By Rick Segoine

There is so much going on in the world right now in regard to events related to end-times prophecies. Many great articles and commentaries have been and are being written about these things. All of the Rapture Ready writers agree that God is in control. No matter how it may appear, Almighty God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is in 100% total control.

That being said, I would like to take a pause and share some simple thoughts at this time about how spectacularly magnificent is the Lord our God.

Dedicated to Yahweh and to Yeshua and to Ru-ach Ha-ko-desh. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Awesome is an English language word that we use to describe amazing things.

We also use the word awesome to describe God. “Our God is an awesome God. He reigns from heaven above.”

God truly is awesome, and He absolutely does reign from heaven above.

I submit here this day that the word “awesome,” when used to describe the Creator of the universe, barely is able to scratch the surface. It is simply the best English word we know of.

When one looks deeply into the intricate life forms and systems God has created – a seemingly endless variety of life that comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors, that occupy the land, under the land, and in the air, and under the waters – one comes away with the conclusion that the word “awesome” really is a starting point for describing the Creator.

Add to this the gift of eternal salvation God offers through His amazing grace to all who believe in His only begotten Son, Jesus, and what He did for us on the cross, and it is understandable why we would want to praise Him in the highest way possible.

Even if all believers were to put on their thinking caps together with the goal of finding a word that basically meant, say, one trillion times the potency of the word awesome to describe God, that word would still fall far short.

There are no words in any human language that can do justice in the attempt to describe the Living God in all of His beauty, His might, His wisdom, His mercy, and all of His eternal glory.

If there is a word in any language that basically means “awesome to the nth degree,” I would like to know. But even if there is, it would still fall short.

It would fall short because God is awesome to the nth degree and beyond. Actually, God is far, far, far beyond awesome to the nth degree.

This is not about playing around with words.

This is a magnificent truth.

The Creator of the universe and of all life – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – is awesome to the eternal nth degree magnified by infinity and beyond.

Sometimes I will wake up at about 2 am and turn on the television to the Daystar channel and watch a show called “Reflections.” It is produced by a Canadian company that travels the world filming the most beautiful and pristine locations where the magnificent handiwork of our Creator is absolutely breathtaking. It is accompanied by some of the most deeply moving worship music ever produced. Upon a portion of the screen, scripture verses appear for a short time, and then a new one appears. The wonders of God’s miraculous creation combined with beautiful worship music and inspirational scripture verses inspire me to ponder such things as the far-beyond awesomeness of our precious Lord. I highly recommend “Reflections” to anyone and everyone who awakens in the middle of the night.

It is said that God deserves all of the praise, all of the honor, and all of the glory, and it is so true.

In searching for the deepest of all truths, I always come back to this one: Everyone owes everything to Holy God our Creator because He was under no obligation to create anything.

Instead, He chose to create everything (Genesis 1:1).

He spoke all that we see into existence, including us, through His Son Jesus, long before Jesus came to the earth in a human body and bestowed upon us humans the capacity to appreciate the magnificent beauty of His creation (John 1:1).

He also gave us free will, and with this amazing thing called free will, each of us is able to make choices about anything and everything under the sun.

Each of us may freely choose to give all praise, honor, and glory to our awesome God who spoke all of creation into existence, or choose to go the way of the fallen angel known as Lucifer and place ourselves on equal footing with, or even above, the one who gave us our very lives.

That thing called blasphemy is what describes the act of placing oneself on an equal footing with or even above the Creator Himself.

Falling for the original lie that we can become like God, as Lucifer first convinced Eve of in the Garden of Eden, is what produces a condition of blasphemy.

To this very day, Lucifer uses the same lie to persuade generation after generation that they are equal to, better than, and even smarter than the very One who created them.

The Jewish religious sect known as the Pharisees accused Jesus of this thing called blasphemy, but in their spiritual blindness, they failed to see that Jesus really was and is not only the Son of God but God Himself as the second member of the Holy Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Freewill choices have been made throughout history that have led to the formation of ridged false belief systems like that of the Pharisees.

Ridged belief systems concocted by the father of lies, that cause spiritual blindness. It is a type of blindness that prevents such individuals from recognizing the amazing awesomeness of Holy God (The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit).

The arrogance and self-righteousness that is produced through spiritual blindness not only deceives but also robs these poor souls of the joy that comes from giving our Creator all of the praise and the honor and the glory.

In the spirit of thankfulness, and gratefulness, and humility, we joyously worship Him and give Him praise.

Once again, we know for a certainty that if not for Holy God and His supernatural powers of creation, we would not be here.

If not for you, Lord, we would not exist, nor would we ever have existed.

I choose of my own free will to praise you and to glorify you, Lord, and to attempt to convey, to any and all who will listen, just how many light-years beyond awesome you really and truly are.

Someday in the eternal future, after the Rapture, the 7th week of Daniel, and the Millennium have concluded, and when all of your Forever Family is together in the new Heavens and new Earth, someone may come up with a word that adequately captures your greatness, oh Lord. However, I don’t advise anyone to hold their breath for such a thing to ever happen.

I am pretty much certain that the vastness of the entire universe could not contain a word big enough to accurately describe just how amazing and wonderful and beautiful and far beyond awesome you are, Lord.

May your grace and mercy fall upon all who do not know you, Lord, so that they too can know the joy of singing praises to you right now here on Earth, and then forevermore in the music halls of heaven.

You are Holy…You are Mighty…You are way, way, way more than Awesome…

Rick Segoine


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