At Least 12 Killed, Mostly Children, In Hezbollah Rocket Attack on Soccer Field At Majdal Shams In Israel As Netanyahu Vows A ‘Major Response’


The attack on Majdal Shams came after the IDF on Saturday afternoon struck a cell of Hezbollah gunmen at a weapons depot in southern Lebanon’s Kafr Kila. After many months of threating to break out, it looks like Israel will be going to war with Hezbollah in Lebanon after a major rocket attack by the […]

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The attack on Majdal Shams came after the IDF on Saturday afternoon struck a cell of Hezbollah gunmen at a weapons depot in southern Lebanon’s Kafr Kila.

After many months of threating to break out, it looks like Israel will be going to war with Hezbollah in Lebanon after a major rocket attack by the terror group struck a soccer field in Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights, killing a dozen people mostly children. It was so bad that Benjamin Netanyahu cut short is visit to the United States to hurry back to Israel amidst plans to launch a major escalation against Hezbollah. Israel is vowing to hit Hezbollah as hard as they ever have, maybe worse.

“Go up to Lebanon, and cry; and lift up thy voice in Bashan, and cry from the passages: for all thy lovers are destroyed.” Jeremiah 22:20 (KJB)

Israel has been fighting hard against Hamas over the past 296 days of their war against them in Gaza, it will be quite something to suddenly transition to what promises to be a hard-fought battle with the Iranian-backed Hezbollah. Should a full-fledged war occur, it will be much more dramatic and intense than Israel’s current war. Hezbollah is loaded to the roof with rockets, missiles and precision-guided munitions, all provided to them by Iran to fight the proxy was against the Jews. The war may have already begun as you read this.


12 killed, mostly children, dozens hurt as Hezbollah rocket hits Majdal Shams soccer field

FROM THE TIMES OF ISRAEL: At least 12 people were killed Saturday, mostly children and teens, and dozens more were wounded when a rocket from Lebanon hit a soccer field in the northern Druze town of Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights. It was the single deadliest Hezbollah attack on northern Israel since fighting there began in October.

Residents and first responders described scenes of bloody carnage on the pitch. Though a warning siren had sounded, it was too short an alert for the victims, who were unable to flee in time.

The shocking attack led to swift promises of retaliation and talk of an unprecedented response among Israeli officials as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hurried home from the US, raising the specter of a fresh escalation and a potential full-blown war between Israel and the Lebanese terror group. Politicians from across the political spectrum expressed outrage at the attack and the government’s failure to bring security to the north after long months of fighting, while demanding decisive action against Hezbollah.

Israel Defense Forces Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said in a press conference on Saturday night that all the victims were aged 10 to 20.

Baruch Padeh Medical Center near Tiberias said four people in serious condition were brought to the hospital. Ziv Medical Center in Safed said it admitted 32 wounded, including six being treated in the trauma ward, 13 in moderate-to-serious condition, and 10 who were lightly hurt. Another four casualties were taken to Rambam Medical Center in Haifa. Medics declared 10 of the victims dead at the scene, while two were declared dead at hospitals, officials said. “We witnessed great destruction when we arrived at the soccer field, as well as items that were on fire. There were casualties on the grass and the scene was gruesome,” said Idan Avshalom, a medic with the Magen David Adom ambulance service.

The IDF said it had determined that the rocket was launched by the terror group from an area just north of the Lebanese village of Chebaa. Hagari in a press conference from the scene identified the rocket that struck Majdal Shams as an Iranian-made Falaq-1.

“A Falaq-1 rocket struck here in the soccer field, it is an Iranian rocket, manufactured in Iran, a rocket with a warhead of over 50 kilograms of explosives,” he said. “In the past hour, Hezbollah has been lying and denying responsibility for the incident,” Hagari said. “Our intelligence is clear, Hezbollah is responsible for the murder of innocent children.

Top military and security officials presented Defense Minister Yoav Gallant with “options for action against Hezbollah” in response to the deadly attack, his office said.

“Gallant determined the courses of action and instructed the defense establishment accordingly,” the Defense Ministry said in a statement. The minister had held an assessment with IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, head of the Shin Bet Ronen Bar, head of the Mossad David Barnea, and other officials.

Channel 12 cited a senior Israeli official in the prime minister’s delegation to Washington as saying: “The events in the north will bring about a dramatic turning point in fighting in the area.”

Kan news cited an unnamed senior official as saying “The disaster at Majdal Shams could signal a change of direction in the war.” A security official told the public broadcaster: “This is an incident that we will not gloss over. There will be a severe response.” READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

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The post At Least 12 Killed, Mostly Children, In Hezbollah Rocket Attack on Soccer Field At Majdal Shams In Israel As Netanyahu Vows A ‘Major Response’ appeared first on Now The End Begins.

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