In An Amazing Coincidence, Emmanuel Macron’s Main Rival For Power, Marine Le Pen, Is Now Under Investigation For ‘Illegal Campaign Financing’


The Paris prosecutor’s office said on Tuesday it had launched a preliminary probe into allegations of illegal financing of far right National Rally (RN) leader Marine Le Pen’s campaign for the 2022 presidential race, which she lost to Emmanuel Macron. Here in America, we have been watching for some time now the lawfare waged against […]

The post In An Amazing Coincidence, Emmanuel Macron’s Main Rival For Power, Marine Le Pen, Is Now Under Investigation For ‘Illegal Campaign Financing’ appeared first on Now The End Begins.

The Paris prosecutor’s office said on Tuesday it had launched a preliminary probe into allegations of illegal financing of far right National Rally (RN) leader Marine Le Pen’s campaign for the 2022 presidential race, which she lost to Emmanuel Macron.

Here in America, we have been watching for some time now the lawfare waged against Donald Trump by the Biden administration, and it is a very effective and powerful tool. But lawfare exists in many other nations like, say, France for example. In an amazing display of coincidence and irony, Emmanuel Macron’s main rival, Marine Le Pen, a woman who has vexed him time and again, is now under investigation for ‘illicit campaign financing’. If convicted, she could serve jail time. C’est magnifique, Mr. President Macron, I am sure you had nothing to do with that.

“And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.” Daniel 11:36 (KJB)

As we’ve been telling you, long before these amazing events transpiring before us now, Emmanuel Macron is not going anywhere. He will make whatever deal, with whomever, that he needs to make, and every time you think you’ve cornered him, he only comes out stronger with more power. If this was a roulette table, and Emmanuel Macron was number 13, I would take all my ‘prophecy chips’, put them on him, and let it ride on the supposition that he is the biblical man of sin. Still just our opinion, but man, oh man, he sure seems to be doing it.

Paris prosecutor opens probe into Marine Le Pen’s 2022 campaign financing

FROM REUTERS: The investigation, which was opened on July 2, follows a 2023 report by the National Commission on Campaign Accounts and Political Financing (CNCCFP), which scrutinizes candidates’ election expenses and funding, the prosecutor’s office said.

It will look into allegations of embezzlement, forgery, fraud, and that a candidate on an electoral campaign accepted a loan.

Le Pen and her party have previously denied wrongdoing in connection with campaign financing. The National Rally could not be immediately reached for comment. Separately Le Pen is to stand trial later this year alongside 27 others over alleged misuse of European Union funds, charges that Le Pen’s party has said it contested.

That investigation, opened in 2016, aimed to ascertain whether the then National Front had used money destined for EU parliamentary assistants to pay staff who were working for the party.
At the head of RN until 2021, Marine Le Pen ran against Emmanuel Macron in the 2017 and 2022 presidential elections, and could again run in 2027. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

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The post In An Amazing Coincidence, Emmanuel Macron’s Main Rival For Power, Marine Le Pen, Is Now Under Investigation For ‘Illegal Campaign Financing’ appeared first on Now The End Begins.

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