10 June 2024


The World is Not Heeding the Warning of God’s Wrath APOSTASY AND DOCTRINES OF DEMONS Is America Becoming an Anti-Christ Nation? Everything has changed in recent decades. We’re no longer really a Christian nation; many embrace the “world view.” America needs to change course while there’s still time. The clock is ticking… Also see The […]

The post 10 June 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.

The World is Not Heeding the Warning of God’s Wrath


Is America Becoming an Anti-Christ Nation? Everything has changed in recent decades. We’re no longer really a Christian nation; many embrace the “world view.” America needs to change course while there’s still time. The clock is ticking… Also see The ‘New Morality’ – Dramatic Worldview Shift In Americans.

U.S. Catholics plan hundreds of Sacred Heart rallies in reparation for LGBT’ pride’ Masses.

Catholic priest in Poland participates in ecumenical ceremony to bless homosexual couples. Catholic and Protestant clergy were present.

Africa: 1-million-member regional body leaves United Methodist Church over gay marriage & clergy.

Celebration of Sin: Episcopal ‘Church’ Shows Pride in Their Apostasy. “Who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them” (Romans 1:32). According to God’s Word, it is a sin to give approval to those who practice sin. Yes, the Episcopal church is showing its apostasy…

El Salvador’s President Describes Satanic Gang Baby-Killing Rituals. He described the crackdown on violent gangs as a ‘spiritual war.’ The largest gang, Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), has a long history of satanic activity.

Israel fighting against ‘demonic’ Islamism. Iran-born human rights activist said Israel is fighting against the same “demonic” strain of Islamic ideology currently manifesting in her home country.


Islamized Austria: School Disallows Reading from Bible Out of Fear of Islam retaliation.

Spain’s Islamic Infiltration and Threat to Cultural Values. Spain has seen an over 400% increase in illegal immigration.


Leading rabbi warns mass exodus of Jews from Europe to Israel may be imminent. Jews face relentless harassment while hate graffiti defaces Jewish homes, synagogues, and cemeteries without any deterrent.


Netflix Airs Lesbian Kiss on Kids’ Cartoon, in their PG-rated series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous.

Philly sets record for most attended Drag story time.

Pushing Back on Pride: But Damage is Already Done to An Entire Generation. 1 in 4 high schoolers now identify as gay. Thousands of children in the U.S. now openly identify as a different gender. Hormone therapy and surgical centers are increasing business as youth confusion, depression, STDs, and drug abuse surge to catastrophic rates. This is a result of infiltration of sexual deviation in government schools, legislation of immorality, and successful marketing and saturation of American culture.

Celebration of Sin: ‘Pride Month’ Tests Our Commitment to the Truth of God’s Word. June has become known as “pride month”—a celebration of sexual sin and sinful identities by media, many corporations, even cities and towns. Those who believe God’s Word understand what they’re celebrating is nothing short of bondage and slavery to sin. It can also be a month that tests our commitment to God’s Word.

Biden campaign launches massive ‘pride’ initiative to attract ‘LGBTQ’ voters.

U.S. Navy Special Forces’ Pride Month’ post. Naval Special Warfare Command posted a graphic in honor of Pride Month that includes its logo and the words “Naval Special Warfare (NSW), dignity, service, respect, equality, and pride” in the same rainbow colors of the pride flag.

Biden DOJ indicts doctor who exposed transgender child mutilation at Texas hospital. The Biden regime is using its Dept of Justice to punish its political opponents. It’s the very definition of abusive power.

Belgium Passes World’s First Law That Gives Prostitutes Pensions and Official Employment Contracts, but can force them to perform acts if they miss their quotas.

Disney Tops Long List of Woke Failures with Upcoming Release of Gay Star Wars Show. The woke left is incapable of doing anything creative without sexualizing it and politicizing it. Once a media juggernaut, the company is currently on the ropes after an endless list of woke bombs.


“They Can’t Afford to Lose Their Grip on The Levers of Power…” (Very Good article but does have a couple of curse words). The most astounding part of Biden’s ride is that the Party of Chaos and Hoaxes was able to pretend until just a few days ago that this political phantasm could run for re-election. Now, regime insiders are forced to confess they can’t hide it anymore. The embarrassing ineptitude has been on view since the 2020 campaign, yet his handlers managed to flimflam half the country, thanks to a news media captured by intel blob gaslighters and to half the country’s susceptibility to mass formation psychosis — fear-driven thought disorder — that gave cover to treasonous actors seeking to save their a**** even if they had to wreck the USA doing it.

‘Associated Press’ blasts own reporting on Hamas casualty statistics. The scrutiny of Hamas’s false claims about its own numbers is long overdue. But it’s probably not going to compensate for them repeating month after month, time after time, the lie that 70% of victims were women and children.

Many Lawmakers Worldwide Warn WHO’s ‘Pandemic Treaty’ Would Usher in Tyranny & Oppression. The most recent pandemic agreement draft would compel Americans to turn over 20% of their supplies to WHO for global redistribution, follow WHO “immunization” policies and “social measures” such as lockdowns, and accept a “One Health” policy that equates human life with plants and other life forms. Uncertainty of multiple provisions makes the treaty “a blank check” to “unaccountable committees.”


Biden Regime Loses Track of 77,000 Afghans While Over a Million Unchecked Migrants Flood Borders.

Chinese, Jordanian, and Turkish illegal immigrants caught in large numbers at southern border. The number of Chinese nationals crossing the border illegally has skyrocketed over the past several years. Over 3,500 Chinese nationals were encountered crossing the southern border illegally in May, along with hundreds of Jordanian, Turkish, and Mauritanian nationals.


Disabled Canadian man offered euthanasia ‘multiple times’ while in hospital. The 49-year-old is prevented from resources to live safely at home and is told he can apply for assisted suicide.


1st known human case of H5N2 bird flu kills person in Mexico. This broad category of virus also includes H5N1, currently circulating among U.S. dairy cows, which recently sickened three people from close contact with cattle.

162 sickened in Salmonella outbreak linked to cucumbers. 54 were hospitalized, and it affected 25 states and Washington, D.C. Fresh Start Produce Sales recalled cucumbers shipped from May 17 – May 21 due to potential contamination.


New Study: Elevated Risk of Epilepsy & Appendicitis in Children After COVID Vaccination of children who received AstraZeneca or Pfizer vaccines. Pfizer recipients were also more likely to suffer from demyelinating disease or heart inflammation. Respected scientific platforms are used to cover up mistakes and wrongdoing, particularly coercion and immense societal pressure to vaccinate young children. This should never have been done.

Link between COVID vaccine and millions of excess deaths worldwide. Studies by Netherland scientists noted over 3 million excess deaths in 47 Western countries between 2020-2022 in U.S., Australia, and European nations. Numerous studies revealed the COVID vaccine may induce myocarditis, pericarditis, and autoimmune diseases. In March, the FDA admitted the COVID vaccine leads to significantly elevated risk of seizure in toddlers. Yet government agencies around America continue to urge COVID vaccination for children as young as six months old.


During The Great Depression, They Were Called “Hoovervilles.” Today, America’s Shantytowns Are Called “Bidenvilles.” During the 1930s Great Depression, millions of homeless Americans created large shantytowns. We’re witnessing the same thing today.

The Economy Has Declined to a Point Where Almost Everyone Is Struggling while the ultra-wealthy are thriving. For most people, it’s a struggle just to pay bills each month.

Over 2,600 Store Closings Have Been Announced So Far In 2024.


2024 Atlantic hurricane season primed for storms with rapid intensification, along with anticipation of an extremely busy Atlantic hurricane season. Rapidly intensifying tropical storms and hurricanes are especially dangerous because they can catch people off guard with little time to prepare.

Dangerous heat wave in Western U.S. is breaking records.

1 dead, homes damaged after destructive tornadoes and storms hit several states and D.C. suburb. Tornadoes reported in Michigan, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, and Alabama on June 5.

Kentucky: Record-breaking tornado damage length for May 26 storms. 16 tornadoes in Paducah resulted in 255 miles of tornado damage.

Sri Lanka: Heavy monsoon rains claim 17 lives since June 2. Over 80,000 people affected.

South Africa: Severe flooding, large tornado; 22 dead, many injured. Thousands evacuated; significant infrastructure damage reported.

Germany: Severe flooding claims four lives, forces thousands to evacuate.


Illinois: Over a Million Chickens Perish In Catastrophic Fire At Poultry Farm.


Philippines: Kanlaon Volcano blast: Water tainted; crops worth millions of pesos damaged on Negros Island. 10,000 to 12,000 residents, most of whom are farmers, were affected.


America’s double game on Iran. While attention focuses on punishing Israel for daring to defend itself, an enemy of humanity is about to get the nuclear bomb. And the Biden regime is helping it to do so.

Soros, Western elites, & military industries profit while pushing the world toward major nuclear conflict. Viktor Orbán warns that Western military aid to Ukraine risks escalating into a broader conflict with NATO, driven by economic interests and ideological motivations. He emphasized the need for military strength to maintain peace.

Russian Warships Steam for Caribbean as Ukraine Tensions Go Global. This show of force is perhaps prompted by Biden’s authorization of Ukrainian strikes inside Russia using U.S. weapons.

Iran and proxies will stage all-out attack within two years, Liberman says. The “coordinated and synchronized attack” would emanate from Iran and its proxies: Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, Shi’ite militias in Iraq and Syria, and Houthis in Yemen.

War Looms in Lebanon as Hezbollah Intensifies Fire at Israel. Iranian-backed Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets and projectiles at Israel last weekend, causing widespread fires near Israel’s northern borders. Kiryat Shmona homes ablaze; some 15 fire sites in Galilee-Golan region, most from rocket fire on an exceptionally hot day; temps exceeding 43℃ (109℉) in Kiryat Shmona and Sea of Galilee area.

Hezbollah drone strike kills Israeli soldier, wounds 10 others. President Hertzog said, “Israel has been attacked daily for many months by Iran’s arms in Lebanon, in flagrant violation of all international agreements and resolutions. The world needs to wake up and realize Israel has no choice but to protect its citizens. Don’t be surprised when it does so ever more strongly and firmly, and don’t complain when the situation is out of control!”

Shin Bet foils Hamas suicide bombing plot directed from Turkey. Investigation reveals involvement of Hamas’s Istanbul headquarters in terrorism against Israel.

Gaza: 4 more hostages no longer alive.


UN group of “experts” urge all countries to recognize Palestinian statehood to ensure peace in the Middle East. The call came less than a week after Spain, Ireland, and Norway officially recognized a Palestinian state, prompting anger from Israel, which is increasingly isolated.


Netanyahu Slaps Down Biden’s Major’ Peace Proposal’; Says Israel Has Agreed to Nothing.


Pride And Moral Independence: The World Is Not Heeding the Warning of God’s Wrath.

“The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts” (Psalm 10:4).

“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18).

“Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger” (Isaiah 13:13).

The post 10 June 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.

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