Emmanuel Macron Says He’s ‘Outraged’ By Yesterday’s Strike On Rafah By Israel, Demands An ‘Immediate Ceasefire’ To IDF Offensive Against Hamas


French president Emmanuel Macron ‘outraged’ by Israeli strikes on Rafah, calls for ‘immediate’ ceasefire in battle against Hamas It is highly likely that when Israel struck Hamas terrorists in Rafah, that the targeted hit found hidden caches of Hamas weapons that exploded, killing dozens of Palestinian civilians. The Jerusalem reports “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called […]

The post Emmanuel Macron Says He’s ‘Outraged’ By Yesterday’s Strike On Rafah By Israel, Demands An ‘Immediate Ceasefire’ To IDF Offensive Against Hamas appeared first on Now The End Begins.

French president Emmanuel Macron ‘outraged’ by Israeli strikes on Rafah, calls for ‘immediate’ ceasefire in battle against Hamas

It is highly likely that when Israel struck Hamas terrorists in Rafah, that the targeted hit found hidden caches of Hamas weapons that exploded, killing dozens of Palestinian civilians. The Jerusalem reports “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the IDF strike that killed 45 Palestinian civilians in Gaza a “tragic mistake” as he vowed never to wave the white flag of defeat as he rejected domestic and international calls to end the war.”

“But I will send a fire on the wall of Gaza, which shall devour the palaces thereof:” Amos 1:7 (KJB)

In Paris, tens of thousands of demonstrators have gathered in Paris to protest against Israel’s military offensive in Gaza, with Emmanuel Macron leading the way with inflammatory tweets on X. At the same time, Slovenia’s Prime Minister Robert Golob says his government will decide on the recognition of a Palestinian state on Thursday and forward its decision to parliament for final approval. Israel is rapidly being painted into a corner, a corner that has it edges perched firmly in the writings of the prophets.


Emmanuel Macron demands Israel begin ceasefire immediately

FROM THE MIDDLE EAST MONITOR: The French president Monday expressed his “outrage” over Israeli strikes on Rafah, Anadolu news agency reported.

“Outraged by the Israeli strikes that have killed many displaced persons in Rafah,” Emmanuel Macron wrote on X. “These operations must stop. There are no safe areas in Rafah for Palestinian civilians. I call for full respect for international law and an immediate ceasefire,” the president added.

At least 35 people were killed and dozens injured as Israel targeted a camp for displaced people and houses in the southern Gaza city of Rafah on Sunday, said medical sources and officials.

The attack occurred near the logistics base of the UN Agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in Tal al-Sultan, said the Gaza Media Office.

Israel has been waging a brutal offensive against Gaza since October, despite a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire. The offensive has killed at least 36,000 Palestinians, mainly children and women, and wounded almost 80,000 others.

More than seven months into the Israeli war, vast swathes of Gaza lie in ruins amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water and medicine.

Israel is accused of “genocide” at the ICJ, which has ordered Tel Aviv to ensure its forces do not commit acts of genocide and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza. According to South Africa, which took the occupation state to the ICJ, Israel is ignoring the court’s orders. READ MORE

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The post Emmanuel Macron Says He’s ‘Outraged’ By Yesterday’s Strike On Rafah By Israel, Demands An ‘Immediate Ceasefire’ To IDF Offensive Against Hamas appeared first on Now The End Begins.

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