23 May 2024


Massive tornadoes strike Iowa, including Greenfield and Carbon, causing major damage and casualties  A series of powerful tornadoes struck Iowa on May 21, 2024, with a significant impact on Greenfield, killing at least three people and injuring a dozen others. Severe weather also affected Nebraska, Illinois, and other regions, with tornadoes, high winds, and hail […]

The post 23 May 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.

Massive tornadoes strike Iowa, including Greenfield and Carbon, causing major damage and casualties 
A series of powerful tornadoes struck Iowa on May 21, 2024, with a significant impact on Greenfield, killing at least three people and injuring a dozen others. Severe weather also affected Nebraska, Illinois, and other regions, with tornadoes, high winds, and hail causing widespread damage.

New Zealand covid vaccine deaths: We have a deadly plague of serial killers in our midst
A New Zealand coroner has ruled that a man’s vaccine-induced death could have been prevented if he had been informed about the risks before consenting to having the covid mRNA injection.

The process of digitally marking every human is well underway but how many humans are even aware of where this is leading?
Mega-bank JPMorgan Chase is planning to rollout a biometric payment system and make it available to all U.S. retailers by early next year. This will enable shoppers to make purchases without pulling physical paper (fiat currency) or plastic (credit/debit cards) out of their wallets. All they will need to do is submit to having their palms or faces scanned upon entry into a retail store.

Christian Escapes Sharia: Islamic State Survivor Ruth Robert’s Pro-Life Crusade and Warning to Canada
“They [Muslims] come into a Western country like Canada, claiming Islam is a religion of peace, but this is often a strategic move to gain influence. They have many, many children, and bring in more family members. Meanwhile, we in Canada contracept and abort our children, leading to a decline in our population. Eventually, we will be massively outnumbered.” – Ruth Robert on Islam’s strategy in Western countries

Israel furious as 3 European countries recognise Palestinian state
Israel reacted with fury after three European countries said Wednesday they would recognise a Palestinian state, more than seven months into the devastating Gaza war.

None Of The Aid Biden Has Sent To Gaza Through Pier Has Reached Palestinians; Much Of It Stolen
None of the aid that President Joe Biden has sent to Gaza via a floating pier that the U.S. Military constructed has reached the Palestinian people, a U.S. official said this week.

Pope Francis, Cardinal Parolin to join key CCP-appointed bishop for Sino-Vatican conference 
Fresh on the news that the Vatican aims to renew its secretive deal with Beijing later this year, as broken by this correspondent, Pope Francis and Holy See officials will join controversial Chinese figures at a high-profile Vatican conference on China this week, billed as a major event.

STIs, including syphilis, gonorrhea, increasing globally: WHO 
The number of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) around the world is increasing and is a “major concern” for health officials, according to a new report published Tuesday from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Playing God documentary: 50 years of medical democide in the UK 
The documentary ‘Playing God’ takes a deep dive into the horrors that lurk within past and current government protocols and policies, exposing the damage they are causing. The film is a result of journalist and author Jacqui Deevoy’s investigation into medical democide in the UK over the last 50 years.

A very large number of Armenian children are being affected by measles, while the government of Nikol Pashinyan has been allowing unregulated activities of US bio-researchers and specialists thus allowing them in infiltrating in almost all the key areas in the country.

Paul Weston: Why don’t politicians do something about the corruption in UK’s medical industry?
It’s unsurprising to discover that the covid-19 vaccine fanatic Dr. Ranjit Singh, also known as Dr. Ranj, was on the AstraZeneca payroll. As Paul Weston points out, it wasn’t just Dr. Ranj – Instagram doctors were all over our television in 2021 telling us lies.  And like Singh, the covid stars were on Big Pharma’s payroll.

The post 23 May 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.

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