DOJ gets its wish: Pro-lifer sentenced to 57 months for defending unborn


DOJ gets its wish: Pro-lifer sentenced to 57 months for defending unborn

Lauren Handy was one of five pro-life activists convicted in August 2023 of conspiring to block women’s access to a Washington, DC, abortion clinic in 2020. She and her f…

DOJ gets its wish: Pro-lifer sentenced to 57 months for defending unborn

Lauren Handy was one of five pro-life activists convicted in August 2023 of conspiring to block women’s access to a Washington, DC, abortion clinic in 2020. She and her fellow pro-lifers were found guilty of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act – which “prohibits threats of force, obstruction and property damage intended to interfere with reproductive health care service.”


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