6 Feb 2024


Powerful atmospheric river triggers state of emergency in Southern California, rare Level 4 of 4 risk of excessive rainfall  An intense atmospheric river event hit California on Sunday, February 4, 2024, prompting Gov. Gavin Newsom to declare a state of emergency in eight counties due to the potential for “life-threatening” flooding, mudslides, and widespread power […]

The post 6 Feb 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.

Powerful atmospheric river triggers state of emergency in Southern California, rare Level 4 of 4 risk of excessive rainfall 
An intense atmospheric river event hit California on Sunday, February 4, 2024, prompting Gov. Gavin Newsom to declare a state of emergency in eight counties due to the potential for “life-threatening” flooding, mudslides, and widespread power outages. The National Weather Service warns of significant rainfall, powerful winds, and heavy snowfall continuing over the next few days.

Historic snowstorm paralyzes central and eastern Nova Scotia, Canada 
A dangerous winter snowstorm brought Nova Scotia to a standstill over the weekend, with record snowfall exceeding 80 cm (31 inches) in many areas, leading to local emergency declarations and widespread travel disruptions.

Israel sees 14 straight days of rainfall for first time in over 30 years
Israel has seen 14 straight days of rainfall in the north and south for the first time since February 1992, according to statistics from the Israel Meteorological Service published Sunday.

Trump Tells Fox News ‘I Believe We’re Going to Have a Terrorist Attack 100%,’ Possibly Due to Chinese Immigrants
Donald Trump spoke with Maria Bartiromo on “Sunday Morning Futures” on Fox News, covering his potential VP picks, Iran’s nuclear potential and Trump’s belief that “we’re going to have a terrorist attack 100%,” tying that belief to an increase in immigrants from China and the Biden administration lifting Trump’s travel bans.

When the Stealth Invasion of America goes mainstream: And nobody cares
You know we are in the final stages of an invasion when even the corporate media is reporting on the thousands of Chinese nationals streaming across the U.S. southern border.

Paris Islamic Migrant Knife Attacker Reveals Premeditation, Voices Hate For France, Praises Putin, While Authorities Hide Behind His Mental Health
The attack occurred at a critical time, just months before Paris is set to host the 2024 Olympics, an event expected to attract millions of visitors.

12 Absolutely Insane Examples That Show Just How Far The U.S. Has Fallen
…We tend to blame our problems on our politicians, but the truth is that the rot that is rapidly spreading throughout our society runs a lot deeper than that.  Millions upon millions of us have completely rejected the values that this nation was founded upon, and so now we have a giant mess on our hands. The following are 12 absolutely insane examples that show just how far the U.S. has fallen…

How to Fake Pandemics – Part 2. I Do Not Believe Science, and Neither Should You
“How to Fake Pandemics – Part 2. – I Do Not Believe Science, and Neither Should You” is part two of the article republished yesterday here in the Expose. If you haven’t read it, it can be found here titled “How to Fake Pandemics in 4 Easy Steps. A masterclass by the DOD showman, James Giordano.” written by Sasha Latypova. In part 2 Sasha, a former pharma and medical device R&D executive, reviews historical fake news stories and concludes that fake pandemics and falsified scientific research have always been part of the plan.

‘Dead people should be able to change their gender’, says Labour MP Charlotte Nichols as growth of gender ideology is slammed as ‘patently absurd’ 
Labour MP Charlotte Nichols has suggested dead people should be able to change their gender – as the growth of gender ideology has been slammed as ‘patently absurd’.

London’s Mayor Khan Invests in ‘Pay-Per-Mile Road-User Charges’
London’s far-left Mayor Sadiq Khan is investing up to £150 million in Great Reset-style technology, which reportedly could be used to charge drivers in the city per mile they travel.

Another Satanic Display at Grammy Awards: Singer Performs Satanic Ritual with Demon Sucking Blood and Blood Leaking from Walls
In 2022 the Grammy’s went full Satanic ritual when Lil Nas paraded on stage with demonic photos on the screen and men dressed in black robes for effect. The crowd loved it.

50 Lawmakers Demand AG Garland Explain Illegal CCP-Linked Marijuana Farms
A bipartisan group of 50 US lawmakers have requested that Attorney General Merrick Garland provide information on illegal marijuana grow operations in the US that are linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Harvard to host radical professor who defended Hamas massacre
Harvard University will host radical professor Dalal Saeb Iriqat, who defended Hamas’ October 7 massacre in Israel, The New York Post reported.

Recognizing ‘Palestine’ As A State In The Aftermath Oct. 7 Would Reward The Worst Kind Of Evil 
Axios and certain other media outlets have recently reported that the State Department is considering recognizing Palestine as a state. There are a host of reasons why that’s a bad idea. One of the worst is this — it rewards terrorism. It rewards the very worst in human behavior.

Open Borders Germany: Catholic School Warns Parents, ‘Regardless of the Time of Day, Don’t Let Your Daughters Walk To School Alone’
The school’s headmaster and left-wing media consistently minimize the severity of migrant sexual assaults, violence, and safety concerns, even though the alarming statistics speak for themselves: Berlin reported around 20 rapes per week last year, while North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s most populous state, witnessed an alarming average of eight rapes per day.

UK’s “Online Safety Act” OFFICIALLY Grants MSM Permission to Publish Lies
Welcome to the UK, where it’s now official government policy that you CAN’T publish “misinformation,” but The Guardian, the BBC, Disney, and Netflix CAN, say Off Guardian. As we reported in September 2023, the Bill is a piece of legislation that comes under the guise of being predominantly for the safety of children in an attempt to protect them from online grooming and abuse and also to limit the reach of terrorist propaganda.

The post 6 Feb 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.

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