4 Sep 2023


“Mad” World Definitions of “Mad”: very angry; extremely foolish, irrational, or ill-advised. That pretty much sums it up. APOSTASY AND DOCTRINES OF DEMONS Generating An AI False god: ChatGPT ‘Fake Bible Passage’ Portraying Jesus ‘Accepting’ Transgenderism. Atheism: After Israeli Haredi journalist wrote against distribution of Christian materials, Israeli leftist movement “Kumi Israel” said religion (belief […]

The post 4 Sep 2023 appeared first on Rapture Ready.

“Mad” World

Definitions of “Mad”: very angry; extremely foolish, irrational, or ill-advised.

That pretty much sums it up.


Generating An AI False god: ChatGPT ‘Fake Bible Passage’ Portraying Jesus ‘Accepting’ Transgenderism.

Atheism: After Israeli Haredi journalist wrote against distribution of Christian materials, Israeli leftist movement “Kumi Israel” said religion (belief in God) is stupid.

Islam: Former Mayo Clinic researcher sentenced to 18 years after attempting to join ISIS.

Muslim Call to Prayer Can Now Be Publicly Broadcast in New York City Without Permit Fridays between 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm despite noise ordinances in surrounding neighborhoods.

Mankind Playing Gods: NASA asteroid strike unleashes boulder storm ‘as deadly as Hiroshima.’ Spacecraft successfully used to knock planetoid off course inadvertently dislodges 37 rocks at 13,000mph. Some up to 22 feet wide detected by researchers. None said to be heading for Earth.


Exposed: Illinois Elementary School teacher who is ‘non-binary,’ a Satan worshiper, and has bipolar disorder with mania and psychosis. The teacher was fired after conservative influencer Libs of TikTok pointed this out. His online posts admitted his condition, promoted Satanism, also anti-police rhetoric.

Judge tosses sorority sisters’ lawsuit. ‘Peeping’ so-called ‘transgender’ will be allowed to stay. University of Wyoming sorority sisters sought to have the biological male’s membership revoked because he’s an alleged “sexual predator” who stares at the girls in intimate situations with an erection.

ACLU wants taxpayers to fund sex-change surgery for male inmate convicted of killing 11-month-old baby.

Mutilating gender surgeries in US nearly tripled over 3-year period.

Invent Your Gender: California’s Gov. Newsom Encourages Youth with Millions in Taxpayer Support.

Total Degeneracy: More Photos of Male Disney Employees in Dresses.

VistaPrint’s website is using its birth announcements section to promote homosexual lifestyle and glorify same-sex parents.

Apostate religion; sinister Marxist pope: Francis again indicates openness to homosexual activity.

Senior Jesuit priest, close friend and trusted advisor of Pope Francis, accuses Jesus of being ‘stymied and callous.’ Fr. Spadaro has long been known as a close advisor to the pope, lending further weight to the scandal of his words, which have been described as ‘blasphemy.’ Spadaro’s commentary was published in Italy’s secular left-wing paper il Fatto Quotidiano.


North Carolina: UNC faculty member dead, suspect in custody after shooting on Chapel Hill campus.

North Carolina, in Fayetteville, 6 people shot in a day; victims include man dead, 12-year-old injured in the second weekend in a row where the city has had multiple shootings.

Nationwide crime wave forcing many retailers, large and small, to close their doors or lock up merchandise.

Smash & grab crew with hammers nabs $500K in jewelry from California shop; pepper sprayed owner.

FAA probing nearly 5,000 pilots who allegedly falsified their medical records. They’re military veterans receiving benefits for various disabilities that could prevent them from being cleared to fly.

In Scotland: Private school Edinburgh Academy apologizes for ‘brutal’ historical abuse of students. The academy acknowledged the “brutal and unrestrained” violence against students and admitted “serious sexual abuse was widespread.” The majority of evidence has covered the years 1954 to 1995.


‘Miss Aryan Angel’ of Oxford wins Miss Hitler beauty pageant. Sarah Mountford entered the competition, run by Russian social media site VKontakte, under pseudonym “Miss Aryan Angel” and was a member of the far-right group Britain First. The site encourages users to use pseudonyms in the competition.

U.S. Turns to the Congo, Notorious for Child Labor and Unsafe Mines, to Source Its Electric Vehicle Ambitions.

Destruction of America by the Left. From its earliest days, America has been both a Christian nation and a Capitalist nation. The Progressive Left has long recognized the need to destroy those two roots in order to accomplish their goals of transformation and totalitarian control.


Over $770 million has been awarded this fiscal year for sheltering border crossers and illegal aliens released into communities.

Illegal Crossings of Migrants at U.S.-Mexico Border Hits All-Time High in August.

Thousands of migrants are flowing across US border in Arizona every day — literally through open floodgates that have made the Tucson post the busiest point of illegal entry into the country,

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) announced a jobs program for tens of thousands of illegal aliens & border crossers arriving in the sanctuary state weekly, even as 380,000 New Yorkers are unemployed.

From Spain to New York City, Communities Protest Against Influx of Illegal Migrants (Video).

Sweden: Police Again Admit Inability to Protect Citizens from Migrants, This Time Urging Residents to Alter Clothing (Video). Law enforcement in Karlstad are issuing a stark warning to residents as a wave of migrant gang violence and robberies grips the city. They’re advising citizens to abstain from wearing branded clothing and expensive jewelry to avoid becoming targets of these escalating crimes.


Deliberate Dumping of Milk By Leftist Government (Video): Canadian Dairy Farmer reached his quota, so government makes him dump out the rest of the milk due to “regulations.” “Canadian milk is 7$ per litre this year! And they still make me DUMP 30,000 litres of milk once the quota is reached. This time I’m going PUBLIC because I want you guys to see what’s going on.”

Third-Largest U.S. Oil Refinery Forced to Shut Down Following Devastating Fire in Garyville, Louisiana.

‘Bidenomics’ Fail: Food Stamp Bonanza Sends Grocery Bills Soaring 15%, Study Finds.

Exposing Godless Global Government Goblins and Nature Worshipers. Will New EPA Regulations Starve Millions of People? Two distinguished climate scientists say the EPA’s proposed new rule is based on ideologically driven policies with no basis in legitimate climate science. Happer and Lindzen lay out a science-based case arguing that the new EPA rules designed to limit hydrocarbon fuels in the nation’s power plants could end up reducing the world’s food supply so dramatically that billions worldwide would be at risk of death by starvation.


Fast-food chains such as Taco Bell, Pizza Hut to go CASHLESS soon.


Republicans In Nine Florida Counties Adopt Resolution Calling for Ban of COVID Vaccines.

Florida Surgeon General Says Do Not Cooperate with Mask Mandates. “What do you call re-imposing mask policies that have been proven ineffective or restarting lockdowns that are known to cause harm? You don’t call it sanity. These terrible policies only work with your cooperation. How about refusing to participate…”

Unvaxxed Canadian woman dies after being denied organ transplant—a Dem leftist MP says she deserved her fate for refusing the vaccine.

First COVID Deaths Were Fully Jabbed, Australian State Records Reveal. It was known to authorities as early as Jan. 2022 that the vaccines may not be preventing deaths. The first locally acquired COVID death was one in their 80s and another in their 30s, both having received two doses of the vaccine in December 2021 and January 2022, respectively.


Hurricane Idalia weakens to post-tropical storm after carving a path of destruction from Florida to Carolinas. Authorities have attributed at least three deaths to Idalia.

2023 Hurricane season: Idalia, Franklin, Jose, Gert, and soon-to-be Katia all churn in active tropical Atlantic. Post-Tropical Cyclone Idalia is still swirling just off the Atlantic Coast and may still affect Bermuda and bring other impacts to the Eastern Seaboard. Farther out to sea, Hurricane Franklin and Tropical Storm Jose are on a collision course, with Tropical Depression Gert regenerating back from the dead and spinning just to those storms’ south.

US: 7 tornadoes confirmed in Michigan; at least 5 people killed.

US: At least two dead as ‘unprecedented’ 450 wildfires scorch Louisiana. Also see Louisiana’s Tiger Island Fire ruled arson, officials say.

Greece: Death toll rises to 21 as wildfires continue burning. Also see Greece wildfires: 79 people arrested for arson.

There are also reports of arsonists causing wildfires that have been occurring in Maui. It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world.


Pentagon To Develop Drone Swarms with Eye Toward Future China War.

“A Very Dangerous Moment” – Hungary’s Orbán Warns “A 3rd World War Is Knocking on the Door.” He suggests that the Biden administration misunderstands Russia, and attempting to remove Putin could lead to dangerous instability.

North Korea’s Leader Kim Jong Un said US-led continuing war games in waters off Korean Peninsula could unleash nuclear war.


“Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul” (Proverbs 22:24-25).

“Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth. For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be. But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth. The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming” (Psalm 37:7-13).


The post 4 Sep 2023 appeared first on Rapture Ready.

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