Iranian supreme leader calls for cooperation among US-sanctioned states


The Jerusalem Post reports: “In a meeting with the Belarusian president on Monday, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called on states facing sanctions from the West to unite in order to neutralize the effects […]

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The Jerusalem Post reports: “In a meeting with the Belarusian president on Monday, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called on states facing sanctions from the West to unite in order to neutralize the effects of the sanctions.

‘The countries that have been sanctioned by the United States must cooperate with each other and form a united front to destroy the weapon of sanctions,’ Khamenei said. ‘We believe that such a thing is achievable.’

In addition to discussing sanctions, Khamenei and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko signed seven memorandums of understanding between the two countries.

Khamenei argued that the sanctions imposed on Iran had allowed the country to develop independently. ‘The severe sanctions made Iran aware of its capabilities and internal strengths,’ he said. ‘The sanctions provided the ground for many developments in Iran and our country was able to advance outstandingly in various fields.’…”

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