Russia says does not plan nuclear escalation, but others should not test its patience


The Jerusalem Post reports: “Russia does not intend to take the path of nuclear escalation in its standoff with the West over Ukraine but others should not test its patience, Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria […]

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The Jerusalem Post reports: “Russia does not intend to take the path of nuclear escalation in its standoff with the West over Ukraine but others should not test its patience, Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.

Her comments follow a flurry of warnings by senior Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin, that Western military support for Ukraine is increasing the risks of a catastrophic nuclear conflict.

‘We will do everything to prevent the development of events according to the worst scenario, but not at the cost of infringing on our vital interests,’ Zakharova told a regular news conference.

‘I do not recommend that anybody doubt our determination and put it to the test in practice,’ she added…”

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