Israel to charge Islamic Jihad’s West Bank leader with terror activities, incitement


Israel to charge Islamic Jihad’s West Bank leader with terror activities, incitement

The Israel Defense Forces on Sunday announced it would formally charge a senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad member whose arrest at the beginning of the month sparked …

Israel to charge Islamic Jihad’s West Bank leader with terror activities, incitement

Israel to charge Islamic Jihad’s West Bank leader with terror activities, incitement

Israel to charge Islamic Jihad’s West Bank leader with terror activities, incitement

The Israel Defense Forces on Sunday announced it would formally charge a senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad member whose arrest at the beginning of the month sparked a round of fighting between Israel and the terror group in the Gaza Strip.

According to the IDF, Bassem Saadi’s upcoming indictment was to include charges of membership in a terror group (the PIJ), conducting operations for said terror group, incitement, and supporting terrorism.



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