Iran’s Guards Commander Says Israel Creating Conditions for Own Destruction


Voice of America News reports: “Israel’s actions are creating conditions for its own destruction, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards commander on Friday told a Jerusalem Day rally at which the country’s new domestically-made Kheibar Buster missile was […]

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Voice of America News reports: “Israel’s actions are creating conditions for its own destruction, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards commander on Friday told a Jerusalem Day rally at which the country’s new domestically-made Kheibar Buster missile was displayed.

State television said millions of Iranians joined rallies marking Quds Day, the Arabic name for Jerusalem, in state-organized marches across the country.

It showed the Israeli flag being set on fire and groups of people around the country shouting choreographed ‘Death to America, Death to Israel’ slogans.

Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a televised speech that anti-Israeli protests and attacks showed that Palestinians rejected compromises by Arab authorities with Israel.

Opposition to Israel is a touchstone of belief for Iran, which backs Palestinian and Lebanese Islamist militant groups opposed to peace with Israel, which Tehran does not recognize…”

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